Our Freedom.

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Avatar for Tarifa_Nusrat
3 years ago

The Independence Day is very significant to every nation. Our independence Day, the 26th March is really a day of pride and glory. The day is very great to us because on this day in 1971, the proclamation of independence was declared.

In 1947. Pakistan emerged as an independent state with its two wings- East Pakistan and West Pakistan. During twenty four years of Pakistani rule, the people of Bangladesh (the then East Pakistan) were oppressed, suppressed and exploited (CNT). Inspite of having majority of population, the people of Bangladesh were deprived of their political, economic and cultural rights. A deep desparity between two wings became wider and grievances and discontent among

the Bangalees continued to grow which resulted in an upsurge and mass revolution in 1969.

But the Pakistani rulers tried to stop the mass revolution with the help of arms. On 25 March, they started mass killing in Bangladesh. Sheikh Muzib, as the president of Awami League won the land slide victory faga frol) in general election held in 1970. But he was denied to hand over power.

On March 7 in 1971, Sheikh Muzib made a clarion call for fighting and resisting Pakistani army as

well as Pakistani rulers. On the night of 26 March, Sheikh Muzib was arrested and was taken to

Pakistan. He was put in jail of Pakistan. Just before his arrest, he declared the independence in

Bangladesh. From that night fighting between the freedom fighters of Bangladesh and Pakistani

soldiers started.

This resulted in the victory of Bangladesh through the supreme sacrifice of thirty lakhs of patriotic

and valiant sons, consequently. Bangladesh gained independence winning the victory on 16

December, 1971, Hence forth. 26 March is celebrated as the Independence Day. This day is on

the top of observed in a befitting manner every year through out the country. Flags are hoisted of

all public and private buildings. The educational institutions celebrate the Day with due fervour and honour. Attractive Parades and march pasts are arranged in different stadiums. Various organizations arrange seminars, discussions and symposiums to observe the Day. The national dailies publish special supplements and electronic media chalk out special programmes to observe the Day. People offer prayers in the mosques, temples and churches for the welfare and prosperity of our country. In the afternoon, many people participate in sports and games. In the evening, many houses and buildings are illuminated (CCTİYE Syfes) with colourful lights. At night, people attend cultural functions and theatrical performances arranged for the occassion.

This day helps us to realise the value of independence and sacrifice of our martyres. It makes us aware to defend our freedom at any cost.

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Avatar for Tarifa_Nusrat
3 years ago


Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government..... Freedom, generally, is having the ability to act or change without constraint. Something is "free" if it can change easily and is not constrained in its present state. ... A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice, be prevented by other forces....... Please subscribe me 🥰

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3 years ago