No Milk in The Tits

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writting, Awareness

She was shivering with cold and had no milk in her tits to feed her two little babies. They were twins and 3 months old. Babies were crying with starving. Their mother can not leave them alone to earn some money. There was nobody who could take care of these babies after her. Because she was empty handed. She got nothing to lose more except her babies.

            Her husband died yesterday due to Covid-19. He used to polish shoes. Before lockdown, he was able to earn few cents per day. Those few cents were enough to feed himself once a day and mother twice a day. Except this, he had no more source of income. Ah, what source of income of a poor guy!

A week before his death, he came at late night with cough, high fever and other symptoms of Covid-19. He couldn’t sleep that night due to suffocation. Her wife was too weak after giving birth two childs. She was standing by wall with the fear of death. Days passed and her husband condition got worst. She was crying. First she saw her babies starving, crying and then her husband dying. Both of them had no relatives. Ah, what relatives of poor people!

            Days passed and her husband died. She went to coma after one day and babies were crying. Alas! there was no one who could listen their pain, their pain of being hungry.

            After two days, neighbors came in her house by chance. There was no sound but smell. Smell of dead father and his two little babies. And there was mother, who was still in coma. They took pity, burried father and babies and hospitalize mother in the Govt. hospital. Ah, what kinda pity is this? They should had took pity before than they were dying. But what now, whole family was dead and mother was dying in hospital.

            Poor people have same hearts and same stomachs just like rich people have. Then why so injustice? That’s the question. Is this injustice with poor or test of rich people? God can’t do injustice with His beloved creation. If He had given equal money to all people, then that world could be different. In that world, nobody would gonna help other.

In that world, nobody would gonna be a farmer. In that world, nobody would gonna have feelings for other, because there is no poor and no rich. What would we do in that world? Nothing but complain to God that there should be another way to live. But Allah knows better. He is the one who created these difference to help us each other.

If You have enough savings for yourself, raise your funds to reliable foundation or do it by yourself. Spend half of your savings to buy food for poor who are starving in this lockdown.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writting, Awareness


Very sad😢... how're the babies? Hoping there are people who could adopt and raise them as their own

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No need to worry. It was just my imagination and babies were died in that. But this thing is happening in real. :(

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aw.. its good it's just a work of fiction. And yeah it really is the fact of life wherein the poor has no power at all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah. But that's how life works. By the way, I've read few of your articles. You have used the same words as I feel about the things. I am glad that there is someone who have same thoughts just like me. I will upload tomorrow an article on "Reason of Depression is our Parents". I would like you to read that. I'll be happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'll be glad to read about it.. and thank you for going thru my articles..

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3 years ago