What will you choose? Determination OR Opportunity....

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2 years ago

Hello dear readers: I hope all of you are doing well. I have told you that I was not free for three days to upload my article. But seriously let me say that my readers I missed you a lot. I missed my read cash account. I missed my writing. You have noticed I upload articles daily at the same time so when the time came when I usually write, I felt like I had lost something.

So let's start.....

My uncle is my mentor, he guides me in everything, and he supports me everywhere. He always tells me one thing, daughter! Just getting a degree is not enough. Along with the degree, you must also have skills.

Every human being works hard all his life. If we ask ourselves why he works hard then the only answer that comes to mind is to get the comforts of life. And the luxuries of life come from money. Indirectly, it means that we work hard to earn money.

To achieve all this, we set our own goals. There are two ways to achieve this goal.

Opportunity or Determination.

Yes! Today I am going to discuss these two. actually a few days ago my uncle asked me about my studies. I replied these are just ok. Then he asked what about your civil services (CSS) preparation. Let me tell you guys! It is a competitive exam in Pakistan. So I replied mamu it’s not good enough he asked why my daughter. I said the university is not a good one. I am not getting the proper platform to explore. I have no opportunity to prove myself here. and many more reasons I gave to him.

He said so sadly to listen to these words from you my girl. This is not the behavior of successful persons.

He asked me if I have ever seen people who do not have the opportunity to go to university and study. And they study at home by themselves and then not only pass the CSS  exam but also top.

I just started to think about it and replied yes uncle I have seen those people then he said they have no opportunity  So what is the thing that leads them to success? I have just looked at my uncle. He said it is determination. A passion to achieve their goal. then he told me a story. Let me share it with you.

There was a man who lived in a village named Barnes. He wanted to be the business partner of the famous businessman Edison. But Barens' access to Edison was probably impossible. Because Burns was passionate about his dream, he didn't wait for the opportunity, he knew how to make his way.

Two obstacles stood in his way. One was that Edison was a big man. It was very difficult to meet him. The other was that he had no money to pay the fare of the train. but he did not give up and started traveling on a freight train. And transported to Edison’s city by a freight train.

When he approached Edison for an interview, Edison hired him as his salesman. Remember that Burns wanted to be Edison's business partner, not a salesman. although it was not his destination he has to create opportunities for himself rather than sit with idols and look for them. so, he started to work under Edison as a salesman.

Edison once built a machine, but his salesmen weren't interested in selling it. but as Barnes was passionate to become Edison’s partner so he started marketing Edison’s machine. And soon that machine was installed in every office. Then came the day that Burns had been waiting for. Edison saw Burns' ability and made him his partner. And one slogan was made for this machine. MADE BY EDISON AND INSTALLED BY BARNES.

This is how determination creates his own opportunity ad get success.


  • It is a powerful and positive tool for our journey to our destination. I teach us to fight against obstacles and troubles that came in our way to success. It enables us to fulfill our dreams.

  • It teaches us to dream big and also encourages us to fulfill them.

  • We fuel our determination and stay inspired to create new goals.

  • Determination is what is in our hands but opportunity is not in our hands so go to your destination with what you in in your hands.

Closing thoughts:

It is not enough to dream and sit idol to wait for opportunity .who have determination for something they create opportunities for themselves. So, stop looking for opportunities and be passionate to achieve your goals. To blame opportunity is just a lame excuse for those who have no ability to do anything.

I hope after reading it you will also start to work hard for your destination and will stop looking for opportunities like I was.

Lead image is from google

Have a nice day!

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2 years ago


What the use of an opportunity if we don't have determination to grab that opportunity. As long as we have determination, we can do it even without opportunity will come. But the best thing is you have the opportunity and you need determination to achieve goals in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right Hanhan. You have write a new aspect of my topic i am pleased to see you here.if you have opportunity it means you have already unlocked door to your success. Just go and cross the door.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Once I heard the phrase like, if opportunity doesn't knock build a door , today I got that true meaning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right.where there is a will there is a way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago