Mirror image theory: A Strange Theory
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Sometimes in our lives, we feel things that we may not be able to describe in words. This has happened to me many times. For example, there is often an incident with me or there is a moment when I feel like this has happened before. But in fact, it is happening for the first time.
If I ever went somewhere I think I have been here before but in reality, I would never have been there before.it’s too strange and difficult to explain. It bothered me a lot about why this happens but when I started studying psychology. Although I have read very little, because my personal tendency was more in this article, I have read everything in depth. Well, after reading this, I realized that this is a feeling that happens to many people. this is called de JA UV.
Then I was convinced that this is what happens also to other people. I am not a unique creature. (hahaha)
De Ja UV is a French word that means already seen. It makes a person realize that what he is seeing, what he is thinking, or what he is doing has already happened to him. It was a very strange thing that was very difficult to explain. But still, there are many theories to explain it.
Let me tell you some of these theories.
The theory of reincarnation was used to explain this feeling. It states that after death, the human soul returns to another form. That is, when a person is reborn, the memories of the old birth are preserved in some corner of his brain, and then when something like this happens to him. If it has happened in the previous life, it feels like it has happened before with him. but this theory was not much accepted so it was denied by psychologists.
Dream based theory:
It states that when a person falls asleep thinking of something, he sees the same thing in his dream. When he wakes up in the morning, he has forgotten about 90% of the dream, and the remaining 10% is stored in some corner of his brain. Goes. For example, if a person thinks at night that he is going on a trip with his family and he falls asleep thinking that he is on a trip with his family, this thing is in some corner of his mind. She will be safe when she actually goes on a trip, and because of this dream, she will feel that all this has happened before. this theory also doesn’t provide much valid information so it was also rejected.
Parallel universe or mirror image theory:
Today I was reading an Urdu novel named ABDULLAH by Hashim Nadeem he mentioned this theory in his novel. It was written over there that a character of this novel got de JA uv feeling. so he asked many people what is happening to him and how is this possible so Hashim Nadeem stated this thing as
“According to Greek philosophy, our world is actually a reflection of a world that is right in front of us but we do not see it. That is, what is happening there is happening here as well. Meaning there is a duplicate of each of us in this world. When our world and a few frames of the mirror of this world go back and forth, then we peek into the future for a moment. to illustrate this, he said that foreign scientists have recently recorded some voices whose language is Hebrew and which are claimed to be the voices of the time of Hazrat Musa. They will even go so far as to say that there is talk of a donkey dying.”
It means we are living in two worlds real and imaginary world which is a mirror image of the real world that is a few frames ahead of us. It’s all about frequency when the frequency of both world match with each other at that moment we live in that imaginary world. It causes de ja uv in future for us.
It was totally strange for me .so, I thought I should share it with you. I hope you will also get shocked just like me after reading it.
the lead image is from google
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