My First Ever Beach Vacation

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2 years ago

A month after my first hiking experience which I've shared here already, my first ever beach trip finally happened too. To be exact, that was happened on the last day of March from the year 2018, 3 years ago. That vacation lasts 2 days and 1 night. I remember I was so excited that time because that would be my very first time to experience to walk on beach sand and swim in the sea.

We chose Nasugbu, Batangas to be our location for this short vacation of us as their beaches are one of the closest beach from us who lives in Manila. We planned to book online but ended up as walk-in so that it would be easier for us to choose the resort we want once we get there. I packed all my things especially my earphones for a 3-4 hours of travel. Also, I bring my favorite goggles that time that I've used in our swimming class when I was in Grade 12. I love that goggles because among all the goggles I used, that was the only one who really fits well on my head and I've never experience leakage of water on my eyes while I'm diving underwater.

I sat at the back part of the car cause that's my favorite part to sit because I'm the type of passenger who loves being seated beside the window, and since the back seat has a lot of windows such as the side and back window, I always prefer being seated here than in the middle or front seat. I took this while we were on our way to Batangas, we were still in Manila here. I can still remember too that I'm playing Illenium's music in loop mode when I took this photo. My cousin named Emon was seated beside me too because he said he likes windows too hehe.

As we enter Nasugbu, the highway was narrow and zigzag. My mother was so scared that time and I felt a bit scared too but after I think 1 hour and a half, we finally reached the other end of that zigzag highway. I don't know what's the name of that highway as I am the kind of passenger as well who doesn't care where I'm currently at, what's important for me is the view while travelling.

After hours of travelling on the road, we all started to feel hungry, so we stopped in a karinderya for a while to eat. The karinderia's location was a perfect spot for those who loves to eat while seeing the view of the ocean. The food there were so delicious especially their Pares and Papaitan. After we eat, I started to feel excited again because we were so near to the beach. This is the view beside that karinderya.

My cousin, Emon asks me to take him a photo so he could post it in his social media account so that his friends could see it. He wants to send it to his mom too, he was proud that time because that was just his first time to experience that kind of vacation too, same as mine.

Until we finally reached the beaches at 1 in the afternoon, everything went well when we were choosing the resort. What I liked the most about their cottages is that, it was made of bamboo, it is like the traditional house here in the Philippines which is the Bahay Kubo. It was so relaxing and very comfortable to stay. Also, the beace front was just a few steps from our cottage.

And then, the pictorial and swimming time began!

It was so easy to do the floating here than on swimming pools, maybe it's because of their properties. I swum there maybe for 1 and half hour because I started to feel my skin becoming so dry and as well as my hair and I hate that feeling, that's why I went back to take a bath and change my clothes to get ready for the sunset.

While waiting for the sunset, I sat on the sand for a while and did this thing on my foot hehe. I get really entertained by just playing my feet on the sand and by just watching the people around me enjoying their life.

Until the golden hour started. I don't have the photographs to share here of the sunset on that beach because they're all gone when my phone old stopped working all of a sudden 😔.

When the surroundings gets darker, the wind was so cold. I was trembling that time because I'm not used to stay in cold places. My first night at the beach was indeed unforgettable for me, we had a lot of fun while staying there.

Seems like someone was recalling there

I took this photo at 12 am, we were all still up at that time, even this cute little boy Nico, he's my cousin too. He was seating at my sister and keeps on laughing because of us. In this photo, he was warned by her mother to lower his voice because there are other people who were already asleep, that's why this is his face haha.

The next morning, that was our last stay there so we took advantage of that and swim in the sea early in the morning. (Took a lot of shots there too and here they are).

Unknown creature that I caught on camera while I'm getting some nice shot of the beach

Honestly, It was hard to leave the place that made you really happy even for just a short period of time. I felt sad while packing all our items because it's time for us to go home. It's kinda hard to accept the fact that we are back to reality again.

Have you felt the same way too after your vacations? It's hard to say goodbye to places like this. I wish someday I could go to beaches whenever I want or everytime I feel exhausted from this busy world. To give myself some time and to also watch sunset cause that's my favorite part of the day.

Thankyou for Reading!

Have a great day wonderful people ♡.

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Written by
2 years ago


Woahhh how I wish I could also have a beach vacation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, I wish I can experience this kind of vacation again but let's claim it, if not in this year, 2022 is for our vacations 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I miss going to the beach! I cannot go there right now because we have a strict protocol in our area because of heightened cases. I like that you enjoyed it! Cheers!🏖☀ïļ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really missed it too... Sana bumaba at mawala na tuluyan mga bagong cases. Btw thank you mare āļ…'ω'āļ…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seeing the pictures I can imagine how much you enjoyed there, specially to see the moon rays reflection on the water at night would be a pleasurable part of this journey. Thank you for sharing this with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww ♡ thankyou for dropping by, I really appreciate your comment po hihi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

woahhh what a fun day, I miss beach so much :/ and the kids are so adorable :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yah, we all deserve beach vacation after this pandemic! 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago