Misconceptions (Held By Females)

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Written by
2 years ago

Just in case I haven't visited your article today, you should know that this was not by choice as I'm having power issues again. I've had to be spending all my day out just to be able to charge and remain active on read.cash. While charging today, something interesting happened. Due to the strike of university lecturers, my school is temporarily closed, and as a result, all the vendors and merchants who caters to the students have taken a break as well. So while I was at the university's experimental farm charging, I got hungry and stayed the way for a while because there was nowhere to get something to eat.

I decided to just take a walk around to ease my hunger pain, and while doing so, I just uttered a short word of prayer saying 'God provide', and just then and there I saw a very ripe, freshly fallen cherry fruit. I ate it with all joy and while it might not have filled me up, the symbolism of it all did. It was almost like God was saying I'm with you always and I'm able to provide all of your needs. I just thought to put this down for those of us who are in the Christian faith. I hope someone finds encouragement and/or answers they've been waiting for from this experience of mine.

Now to the real deal of the article. I just want to quickly highlight a few misconceptions people have of their opposite gender. I don't know if they applies all around the world, but they do seem a bit commonplace in Nigeria

All Men Are Foolish

Many ladies through their actions, have this mentality that all men are foolish. Some even go as far as saying it. A lot of women nowadays believe men don't have brains to think, while some who agree they have it will dispute they use it to think. A lot of women think men think with their intimate parts instead of their brains, and this is demonstrated in the actions of some women who feel as long as a man is sexually attracted to them, even if they are two days old in a relationship, they can just start using him like a free ATM machine, where they come to have all their needs and frivolities met.

Only A Misogynistic Guy Faults A Woman

A lot of girls tends to hide their bad behaviors behind this one. I really don't get it. I mean, no one's perfect, and as such we all have our wrongs and we all make mistakes, but it's up to us try and become better. The problem with this is that, it's quite hard to see your own faults, it's usually easier for someone else to do so. Naturally, I would expect a person that cares about me to tell me when I do something wrong or I'm displaying my bad side, but girls tend to see something else when it's a guy doing the correction. Majority of the time, it's just a loving attempt at bettering their person, but the rise of a certain kind of feminism makes girls of nowadays see only wrongs in whatever a man does, so much so that faulting a woman's action can get you the label of a misogynist in a flash.

Only Broke Guys Complain About Golddiggers

The recent obnoxious display and flaunting of ill-gotten wealth by quite a number of Nigerian youths is to blame for this. Because these group of people do not have to work or earn the money they spend, they tend to spend it anyhow and on anyone, anywhere. This is almost becoming the standard of the day. These kinds of girls have nothing to offer ( other than sex maybe), but they will milk a man dry of his wealth and the people who fall victims to such girls are people who got their money illegally, without working for it. As for the men who work to earn their money, they are less willing to throw their money around at girls who add no value to their lives, who are just there to leach them dry and because of this, they are usually called broke by such girls, which happens to be majority today.

All Men Can Be Manipulated With Sex

A lot of women are guilty of this one. This is as a result of the first misconception treated here. Most women feel a man's first and most important need is sexual pleasure; this couldn't be more erroneous. It also commonplace amongst women to think men have little to no self control when sexual hormones are at work, this again isn't accurate. Still, armed with this misconception, women feel they can manipulate and bend a man into doing their bidding by using sex to run a punishment-reward system, like you would use bone or dog food to bend a dog to your will or force it to learn a skill.

A Man Who Doesn't Have Identifiable Sexual Need Is Gay

In an era where sexual abstinence and chastity are rare traits to find, women almost by default expect every man to have sexual needs, and maybe correctly so. This is also driven by the society which says a little something about the blessing of women's virginity but seem to give a pass to the male child. When you combine these, what you come up with is a society where men are allowed and expected to have sexual needs and seek means to satisfy them. So, it's actually quite surprising for a lot of women when they are in relationship with a guy and he doesn't ask for sex. It's very odd and troubling to them, and when we can't understand something, we work up assumptions that makes them reasonable for us, and for these women, such guys just have to be gays.

I would like to use this opportunity to appreciate my newest sponsor @Talecharm, I will not disappoint this bet you made on me.

As always, I appreciate you taking your time to read my articles. I know I don't write the best, but you guys read them anyways. I say thank you

$ 5.76
$ 5.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
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Written by
2 years ago


I also believed to some of these misconceptions before. Lol. I am such a fool way back then

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Good thing you don't hold them anymore

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I attend an evangelical Christian church. I understand you perfectly when after your prayer you see God's answer in a ripe cherry. God is so good. I always thank God for every detail and every day that He fills with blessings... here in my country and in the Latin culture there are also many beliefs where the woman prejudges the behavior of the man. Very interesting your content.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The presence of his abundance and love are in those little details

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those are new to me, I never had any of those misconceptions :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I would think that, but a lot of people actually do

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I completely disagree with this that all men are foolish and can be manipulated by sex.... totally my misconceptions by the women

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I do too... At least I can speak for myself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those are really misconceptions by some females. Not all men like that.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right. They just group all as same

$ 0.00
2 years ago