What I will do with earning from readcash?

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Avatar for Tahastories
2 years ago

Hope so you all people are enjoying day and night at home or anywhere you are living. Today I am gonna reveal that what I will do with the earning which I am getting from read cash!

How much earning:

In a month, I earn $30 minimum because I use to earn one dollar each day and it is Alhumduliha so much for me I just wanna thank to God for giving me this opportunity to join read cash. In previous months my earning was more than now but I am happy and comfortable with it because my main purpose on read cash is not to earn it is for the sake of learning something new. I am student of Quaid I Azam University in Islamabad and currently studying BS ENGLISH so that is also one of the major reason which took me to these platforms as I wanted to improve my English learning and communication skills.

So for getting knowledge and experience about something new I just entered read cash and noise cash and my experience is great here. I am posting daily having no regret and no complain to platform. By joining read cash I have got courage to write good english actually learning English is my passion and I want to get maximum knowledge.


The earning which I am getting from here I am saving them in my online wallet and I will withdraw them when I will have saved quite more to use in a business. I have not invested my earning in a y cryptocurrency because I am afraid to invest. I have feeling that if cryptocurrency market goes down I will lost my assets then It would be so much painful for me because I have saved them on daily basis and I want to fulfill my dreams with them.

Invest in small business :

From two years when I have left my college I have this thought that I will at least start business in my life because I want to taste the struggle of myself. Although my father is earning good Masha Allah and we have no issues. But I want to stand on my own foot. I am studying and hope so I will get a good position because I always think positive and I show positive attitude towards getting education so these things always motivates me and ensures me that I will stand on a good position in my life but business is the one thing which always has attracted me may be due to my father. Who is also running business. One thing which I have observed that in business there are so many undesired duties you have to do and there are so many tensions you get. May be you are thinking that why I will invest in small business it is because when a person takes start he do something at first which is short and after ward he takes a long step and mark his line of fortune.

Online shop:

The business about which I am thinking is opening an online shop on shoppe or on daraz. Online shopping is now become need of every house. After pandemic every person want to shop through Amazon , shoppe and from other websites and these websites are offering good offers to everyone. I want to try my luck in this world. I have friend along with me who has started affiliate program on Amazon but due to certain reason he left. I was thinking and even mentioning him that when you will learn you have to give me lesson about Amazon but he has not reached his destination. Now I have decided that no matters what are the conditions I will do something productive and will start struggle in these summer vacations so that my days would not be bore and I will make these holidays productive for me. I want to sell some small products like sticky notes would be amazing I will buy them from shops in my region and I have analyze that on online platforms there prices are high I will keep price affordable although I foreign countries prices are high due to higher taxation but first I want to create my reputation in market so that everyone knows my name of the shop. Because at first I want to earn my name and the second priority would be selling things.

Sponsors of Tahastories

Thanks 😊

$ 1.02
$ 0.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @ahmadmanga
$ 0.02 from @Bisolammy
+ 2
Avatar for Tahastories
2 years ago


Yes, read cash is a skill and learning skill always pays off.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Asg
2 years ago

The good thing is that what you're saving now will bring profit in a future if the price of Crypto goes up. I love your courage to get a firm standing on your own even while schooling

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good luck, especially in opening your online shop.

Which small businesses do you want to invest in? Or are you talking about your family business?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For now, all I'm doing with my earnings is savings. I'm just trying to save as much as I can so that I'll do something reasonable with it. Actually, I don't know what to do with it for now

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are doing awesome in your this litte age, 30 dollars is not a small amount for a younger person, and follow your dreams, establish a shop on online store, best of luck dude. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago