Read cash was glitching

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1 year ago

Readers ! After waiting for hours now read cash is working good.

Two hours before story :

When I came back from University I was thinking that today I am late to post on read cash because I have set a time to post article on read cash and that is about 3 o'clock in the evening but today it was 6 o'clock. When I came to hostel my mother called me and she was in 16 may to come home because I have to go back home for weekend also there is a wedding ceremony which I have to attend so for that I have to go earlier but I mention them that I could not come this time because it is night right now so I cannot catch any bus this time I will come to tomorrow and I will book a seat in bus about 7 o'clock. Having good conversation with my mother I put my mobile with charger and I was having dinner thinking about what I will write for today article then I got idea that I will write about my YouTube journey.

Site was stopped :-

I was writing article and it was going so smooth but when I finished with writing I thought that I should see if this article in draft so that I can see that how much the length of the article. I was trying hard to put in draft but I was unable to perform this activity.

I got annoyed :-

It was really annoying , I was angry on my hostel owner because at first I was thinking that there is problem with internet and I should correct my internet connection. I went to hostel owner with complain of wifi. He said that wifi is going smooth and working well.

Returning with sad face , went near other wifi connection. Standing there I was trying to put it in draft as everytime they were mentioning "fail " then I thought I should now publish it directly and there is no need to see "reading time". I moved a step up and was trying to add an lead image. Searched lead image for article and selected but again there was a problem that picture was not uploading. Then I thought that something wrong with my mobile may be the space of my mobile is full now and I should clean all the junk folders from my mobile. When I cleaned junk folders and deleted some of the useless videos then I came back to readcash to check back . But this time , the same sequence was repeating itself. It was really annoying. I was not refreshing the page because I knew if I will refresh it then It will remove my complete written article

At last when I was fed up with read cash I thought that now I just have one option to do and that is refreshing the page. When I did. I saw a screen on which they mentioned " we are really sorry the website is loaded we don't know from where this traffic came but it is great " first I thought that something big happened with read cash that is why website is not running. There were so many perceptions which I was making in my mind regarding what is happening with read cash. I was also thinking that might read cash stopped everything and from now they will never open it.

Thanks to Almighty God that read cash is back on routine and we are enjoying it .

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$ 0.94 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago


But i dont know what is this about because i am new on readcash

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Here is what I saw yesterday was truly a nightmare and am glad its over.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's sad... I experienced this with noisecash before, it was like a month it kept on crashing... and now it Noise has been relaunched. I do hope readcash won't go thru like noise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I read a lot of posts about the platform friend and I experienced it also. Now it's okay already.

$ 0.00
1 year ago