I take presentations today

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2 years ago

Today we have to take presentation of anthropology subject. We were six in a group and our topic of presentation was " culture relativism ". Let me first introduce my all group mates:

1-taha intazar

2-khasif Ali



5-anita Ali

6- Fahad Ali

Our class instructors assigned us topic last week and she has gave us duration of six days to prepare on the topic. At first I was thinking that the group mates are lazy and they will not work well. But I was really happy to say that they have done great and made us all feel proud on their efforts. On WhatsApp chat with my class mate I was often saying in early days that " we have chosen wrong members " but my class mate was always motivates me that don't worry these guys are really hard working and you will see on the final day. As the days was proceeding our group leader who was " Shahzaib " assigned us our parts on which we have to gather data and summarize the whole data. I have to conclude the whole topic.

Everyone was working and playing his part with all his best

I think this is the effort of all the mates which being such fruitful results and today we all are feeling happy. As soon as we get the topic we all were working over it since day one. Anita was preparing slides she has to introduce the whole topic. After that , there was turn of shahzaib who has to elaborate the difference between related terms of " cultural relativism ". Later on zoorain and khasif play their part in presenting the claims aims and example of cultural relativism. Last part was of me, means I have to conclude the whole topic.

Today I got up at seven O clock I was sleeping on the terence of the hostel with my room mate. We got up so late, when sun was upto our face and our face was wet with sweat. We both got up with having irritation and came down with our pillows . When I came back in my room I see time and took mobile to charge it. After doing this I moved to washroom and washed my face and then clean my teeth, then I go to kitchen to take breakfast. I asked cook what he has made? He replied " egg and paratha " I ate and took my book and started reading and I was noting all the main points on my separate note book. After some time, round about nine o clock I took shower and I get ready for going to university and put my charger off from the mobile. When my bus came i go to university and reached the anthropology department where my mates were waiting for me. We decide that we will give our presentation in third slot. At first, two groups take their presentation and after them we took hold of the stage.

Khasif presentation:

I really want to appriciate all of them but I was surprised when khasif was presenting, he delivered really well I must say that no one in the class presents so well like he presents his assignment .After his part I have to go on stage and the way he has introduced me was really funny . He invited me by saying " further on doctor taha will elaborate the topic "

When did I go to stage ?

At last I joined the presentation, there was complete silence when I was speaking I am not exaggerating but I must say that I was speaking too loud with so much confidence that everyone was silent there was nothing any whisper in the room. Everyone was listening to me so attentively. I was feeling like I am a PhD scholar although I am not but I was thinking so. I make some jokes and students laugh at them just to make connectivity with all of them. My mates took videos I really want to add but read cash only allows jpg and pictures so it is difficult by the way you can also appriciate me over it.

After presentation

After taking presentation we took our lunch in which we ate chicken biryani with coke teen pack.

After eating this we go to the shop to buy a jet sport kulfi and we made ourselves cool to avoid the hot weather 🤣although we could not ...this was just a joke based on real life just to chill your mood .may be today you all enjoyed.

$ 0.47
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Avatar for Tahastories
2 years ago


You have a good team, I remember the last time I did work with a team, we were 10 but 7 of them left the work for us to do. It got to the day of presentation, we pushed them behind us in order to avoid failure or low score, Incase the judges were to ask them questions.

It's good that you and your team did well

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey, you did it so well, that it made me want to study on that topic, I'm sure you'll do very well dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago