How i came to read cash?

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Avatar for Tahastories
2 years ago

Read cash is best platform till now. I have gone through a little platforms but I am happy with using read cash. Read cash provides opportunity to many people who are able to create quality content and it appriciate their efforts.

One year used noise cash:

I was using noise cash before I joined read cash. My friend suggested me and he provides me link to join noise cash and he said that here you can improve many things like your typing, English vocabulary and in return the best offer that you can earn here but that earning would not be much but yes you can buy fruits from that earning. I was really happy that at least I can buy fruits it was no doubt a great deal for me at that time. I start using noise cash but in initial days I was not getting good response from audience and I was getting annoying that why I am not getting anything. Then I decided that I will make a new id on noise cash and after using for two month I logged out my old I'd and started a new one with enthusiasm. I was totally indulged in to website.

I make a new account and start posting and I was getting good response from people and I was so much happy. I was expressing my happiness in unique way. I was sharing that moment with my hostel room mates. They were asking what happened to you. I narrates the whole story with sequence and they were saying that everything you are doing is fake bit I was sure that it was not. The first earning I got in bch wallet were 0.03$ from noise cash and they were too much for me in those days because that amount was my first earning. I was making 0.10$ in one day so in order to complete one complete dollar it takes ten days. In those days noise cash has not any affiliate program but I was promoting the site and saying to all my friends that they should do work on the site. Because I was in love with the website.

Post for earning

One day I was scrolling as usual on noise cash and there I see a very informative post which was related to earning from different websites like and others. One of them was read cash and he only wrote a line about it that here you can earn by writing articles. I was not knew the term article that is why I used chrome and first I gathered information about articles and after that I used YouTube and searched there about readcash then I got to know that both read cash and noise cash are sister websites. On read cash you suppose to write long writing but those should be meaning ful and informative for other users. On the other hand , noise cash is used for short post.

But I was in paradoxical situation that what I will write in my writing because I was not know that from where I will collect all the necessary content and how it would work! These all questions were emerging in my mind. But in hurry I just came here and I sign up and created an account without help of anyone. Then I observe just few post on read cash but my mentality was noise cash users as I was thinking that here I will also write but longer than noise cash post so my first post about exercise importance in which I talk about how much different yoga styles and exercises are necessary to keep your body align and in algorithm. It controls your mind and you remain in your concious state. The length of my writing was not long means it was not meeting the criteria but I was thinking that may be I have written longer and it would be enough. But I was wrong and that was my misconception. When I visited back my account and I observed that I got nothing in return I was thinking that my work was in vine and feeling petty. I was posting on daily basis on random topics. After seven months when I returned back to read cash I was determined that this time I was mark up the ground and make my name in read cash market I will become a good content creator and successful read cash user. This determination became a motivation for me I was keep on working after seven months. I wrote a post tittle was new user on which I got good response and I was overwhelmed by the reward. I informed my members of family. My siblings were saying that gave us party I gave them party of pizza with my first earning then I never stop.

Sponsors of Tahastories

Thanks to sponsors ❤️

I resolved that I will keep on posting and I will make correction in my writing obviously I am human and I will improve day by day . The process was gradual and I was learning the tricks and tactics of platform. Then till now I am learning but I have learned so much about read cash I never gave up I was just working and this is the key to success. May be some users are new here who might have joined read cash now and may be some days back I wanna give you advice that if you came here than work honestly you will get back good response. This website is all good . This helps me alot and think just one thing that if I can do so you can also do but do not give up in any case because when we loose our hope it shakes our confidence level and when our confidence level breaks out it effects our success rate and race towards the destiny

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @GarrethGrey07
$ 0.01 from @Mafer8866
Avatar for Tahastories
2 years ago


You should never give up in any journey. I am glad you are here :) Just continue what you started and things will come your way soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait, what a beautiful story, are you my brother? If there is something that characterizes me, it is that I never give up, despite the fact that it is difficult for me to achieve the results I want, and this is clearly what I see in e this article, a person who wants to improve himself and who, no matter how difficult it may be, does not stop trying. Congratulations, and your name is very present in my list of favorite writers, so something is doing very well, so that a girl here in Venezuela knows who @Tahastories is

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sister, I am your brother and I am from Pakistan 🇵🇰 lots of respect for you and I am truly overwhelmed by your appriciation

$ 0.00
2 years ago