Attending DJ night

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1 year ago

Today , I am writing along with situation as the time is going on and obviously I will post on following day.


Today, there is DJ night in our university. There are so many students who are new to this environment for the refreshment these type of functions are arranged so that they can feel good. I am not here to argue that these kind of functions are good or not.

This is the first Dj night in my university last year I have never attended any fiction except welcome party because I was not in acceptable mood.

When I came here back after summer vacations , I was eagerly waiting for such function to come. Three days back we got a notification from arts council that after some days they have arranged a Dj night .

So here wo go, today we have no class also tomorrow is weekend so there are so many off days means there would be no tension of academic . My hostel mates asked me that I am going to dj night or not? I said ; why not I am also going they are surprised that how I decided because before it I haven't joined such type of events. So we sat in the university bus and we came in university about seven o clock . But there is so much time left in start of dj night . We thought that till 10 what we will do. We all were hungry so we decided to go to have a dinner in main huts. We are six boys and ordered 6 chapati for us also we ordered daal mash and karhi.

After having dinner, we were sitting around the table but suddenly our seniors came and we have to meet them obviously because it comes under respect. They took our thirty minutes. After spending time with them we moved towards the counter to pay the bill. Bill was 360 PKR. I paid the bill but my friend was insisting me not to pay because he was saying that he'll pay.

After paying the bill, we moved toward university time was 8:51 . We were sitting in the football ground where all the arrangements are done. Dj lights of different colours are glowing and turning our faces into different colours. I tried to click my picture. Let me show you first .

My friend who was sitting with me ( Anfal) was scrolling Instagram and making Snapchat stories . Students were busy with their friends talking about random things . Night, we were listing the creepy voices of insects from trees but on the whole it is giving the vibe. Till now , function is not started yet. A old man with an musical instrument came and he showed his talent . His voice was So amazing but he was receiving low appreciation . After few minutes , they have started the dj . It was nine o clock . But still students gripped on their seats they are not getting up. After fifteen minutes they all get up and start dancing they were waving hands in the air they are yelling highly and enjoying the love in the air. First , I was observing them minutely. Some people are really going crazy and they were looking like they are not in their senses. There are some students who were standing on stage and most of them were recording the videos may be they have to upload it on YouTube channel. Ny friend ( Anfal) came to me and asked me to join him. I went with him and started dancing . I fell twice because the ground was not plane and I lost my balance. My class fellows were also there . They were dancing with me. I danced two hours but now my stomach was not in good condition I want to drink water but anfal advised me not to drink water this time coz we were sweating he said " be relaxed and take a deep breath then we'll go for water". He was also raising a good point. I sat there on boundary and relaxing after five minutes. I went towards huts and there we took two ice creams and also drank water. It was 2'O clock of night we thought that it is high time so we should go back to hostel. Luckily we have bike along with us after taking ride we reached hostel.

YouTube video link :-

We enjoyed .

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Thanks for reading guys .

$ 0.23
$ 0.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @tired_momma
$ 0.01 from @Bella.bch
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1 year ago


That was full of fun! For sure you enjoyed it all night. It is a good thing to unwind sometimes.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

this was really great fun when we go to some events i am happy that u enjoyed this dj night

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was fun! I'm sure you enjoyed it well just watching it and lol I want to go and dance as well 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Am glad you enjoyed the DJ night. How is your YouTube journey coming along I mean how much watch time do you require for monetization, am asking because lately you seem active there so am just curious.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We need to Unwind sometimes to wipe away some stress and refresh our minds to be more effective in return.enjoy and have fun buddy🙂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sounds like you enjoyed alot. I attended this kinda function only once when i was in F.Sc and our college arranged a concert. I still remember the taste of majeed Hut's food and Guddo ki Chai.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wot 🥲means you are also from Qau ? Surprised 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahah, nopes i am not from qau. I went there just for admission of my cousin. I am from comsats

$ 0.00
1 year ago