Disabled Child:

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3 years ago

There are many Disabled children across the whole world.Disability is common -about 1 in 50 Children has disability.

Person with disabilities include those who have life long physical, mental and emotional health,intellectual or sensory impairments which is interaction with various barriers as well as social situation which create challenges with thinking, behaviour and skill development.

A congenital disorder means the condition that is present from birth.It may be genetic or caused by environmental factors.

NOW I would like to discuss about some common congenital disorder. They are:

1)Down Syndrome-a common genetic disorder that causes intellectual disabilities.

2)Cerebral Palsy-a physical disability that makes hard for a children to control how their body moves.

3)Speech Disorder

4) Hearing impairment

5)Autism: is a disability that is known by the term" Autism spectrum disorder",which also include Asperger's syndrome. Autism has a link with genetic factors..It is one kind of genetic (congenital)disorder. etc...

The above disorders will have permenant delays in the area of their disability.

On the other hand ,there are some more congenital disorder like,:

1) Heart disease: According to WEB MD heart disease is estimated to be responsible for a whopping 17%of all of the health costs in the U.S today.

2) Lung and respiratory problems.

3)Type 1 Diabetis mellitus. etc ..

The life of the parents of disabled child become more challenging for their child than for most ..Those parents has to keep patient in treating their child in a disciplined way.

They have to motivate their child and should never punish or demoralizing their child,instead it is a way to set boundaries and communicate expectations in a nurturing, loving way..The parents have to show their child what is right and wrong,and what is acceptable and wants not,which is one of the most important ways that all parents can show their kids that they love and care about them.

Here are some stages which will help parents discipline a child who need special care:

1) At first learn about your child's condition .

2)Establish a routine.

3)Offer praise.

4)keep faith in your child.

5) Be confident in your abilities

6) Never deprived them from your love and care.

We all know About The UNICEF which has taken most initiatives for children with disabilities are specialised and separate.

That's all for today.Um not a good writer but doing practice of writing a little bit. HOPE YOU will like my article..If you do like it pls do subscribe, like and comment and support me .



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3 years ago


It is very important for any country.. I your article is very emotional. Thank you this information for sharing. Disabled Child not a bad person it is asset for any country I hope. Thank you dear for this unique and important article share.

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3 years ago

Most welcome brother😊

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3 years ago

Very informative post ! It will be helpful for general people to know more ... Thank you 😍

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3 years ago

U r welcome 😘

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3 years ago

Always your article empressed me. Nice explanation Dear😍😍

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3 years ago

Thank u 😊

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