Coconut Carrot laddu recipe

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4 years ago

Today i am going to share my favourite laddu recip. Its my favourite item. My mother makes this laddu very testy, very delicious. I love it very much. I am going to share my moms recipe with you. So Let's begin....


  • Coconut – 1

  • Carrot – 2

  • Sweetened Condensed Milk – 400 gm

  • Green Cardamom – 3


  1. Break the coconut and grate it. Keep ½ cup of the grated coconut separately to use it in the end.

  2. Peel and grate carrot.

  3. Add the grated carrot in a heavy bottom pan and saute for 2 minutes on low flame. This will remove the raw smell from the carrots.

  4. Remove the pan from the flame. Add coconut and condensed milk in the pan. Mix well.

  5. Heat the pan and keep stirring so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

  6. Once it starts boiling, lower the flame and cook on a low flame till the mixture starts leaving the sides of the pan or starts thickening. It will take 4-5 minutes.

  7. Powder the cardamom pods, add it and mix well.

  8. Remove from the flame and let it cool down.

  9. Take a small portion of the mixture. Roll into round shape balls.

  10. Roll the balls in the reserved grated coconut and ladoo is ready.

    Believe me its very mouth-watering laddu..i hope u all love this laddu

    Thank you stay home stay safe

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