How do you feel when you don't have money?
What brings fulfillment to human life? Well, money does that most of the time. Although not all fulfillment comes from having money, life fulfillment may be hard to come by if you are poor. If you come from an average or poor home, you will realize that fulfilling many of your life dreams and aspirations comes with having enough money. If you don't have money, you will face much unpleasantness in this very world of ours. Having money gives you some kind of power over someone who didn't have it. I have seen the power of money work in every area of society and every facet of life. Only a rich man is revered in his jurisdiction. Many poor people go unnoticed in churches and other institutions. With money, you could have a better lot in the world, with many beautiful things within your reach. If money could give power, why wouldn't people work very hard to fight for it?
What is your Earth sign? If you are a Taurus like I am, then you will understand that one thing we hate most is poverty and if it is money that will bring us to the realization of our life goals and aspirations then we are ready to make money as much as we can. You can't imagine a man having any money to spend. All my life I have always tried to be independent and pave my way but I can't do that while I am still financially broke. Meanwhile, for the past two or more weeks, I have been diligently trying to get money to get back into my crypto trading but it's like all my efforts have been futile. I couldn't get any substantial money. I have written lots of articles here with little or no tips. This made me feel empty. I have tried other means of earning but I couldn't nail any. Why does trying to get money so hard? Is it because of the inconducive place I am or what? Life may be hard sometimes if you are alone.
If you know of any sure ways to make money without capital, I will easily embrace it. With money, I can take care of my needs as a student and give out to be needy too around me. Sometimes, I feel down but then I remember that I have to keep going on my journey. Don't ever back down if things are not currently working in your favor. You can't just give up because giving up won't help you so much. You might be closer to hitting it if you don't give up. Remember you can create a story for others to learn from you or you can be a lesson for others. I don't know which works for you. But if you are successful, you definitely will shut up all those who have a wrong impression of you.
Some people are quite satisfied with the way their lives have been going. Such people hardly make any mark in life. But there are still many others with dreams they are diligently pursuing. Daring to make an impact in the world and to be different. I salute those men and I hope we succeed in all of our life endeavors. I will keep working hard and I may not have much today but I will have someday. Only a matter of time. Shout out to these notable writers. @Eirolfeam2 @Jinifer @Miika