Smash Childhood Cancer, the BOINC project has started with active distribution of tasks 2 weeks ago, following announcement below:
So first badge - Bronze, is earned. Bronze badge is given for 14 days computing on the project, counted and summarized by a CPU. Silver badge is the next one and given for 45 days of computing.
All together my performance with WCG is as follows:
Emerald (1year) for Covid computing, there are 2articles submitted for publication. Based on crowd computing outcomes.
Emerald (1year) for the cancer markers
Bronze for the Childhood cancer project
I also compute WCG projects with GRCpool and those results are not included here. With recent Fern update, this will be possible to compute Solo with any group and without GrcPool.
I am currently trying to gather GRC coins to start Solo computation. Below is a magnitude and GRC payout after I started to compute Amicable numbers project with GPU.
While magnitude rose from about zero to 60, GRC yield grew from 20 GRC withing 3 months to 100 GRC for several days computation on GPU.
If I manage to set up Solo research more with Gridcoin, I will write an update on progress and outcome. Right now I still compute with the following services:
BOINC without Gridcoin,
BOINC with GrcPool - Android and a laptop.
Microgrid - which is simplest way to compute for the Gridcoin, GRC.
Joining is simple and standard BOINC app is perfectly works, computes WCG tasks on almost any Android device.
Great idea, good article