Helping One Another The dictionary definition of helping is the act of a person or thing that helps either by Giving aid or assistance or support. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” Anonymous

Advantages of helping a fellow human being:

  1. It improves the life of another, at least a little.
  2. It connects you with another person, at least for a moment, if not for life.
  3. It makes the world a better place, one little step at a time.
  4. It makes you feel better about yourself.
  5. And if that kindness is passed on, it can multiply and multipy.

So take just a few minutes today, and do a kindness for another person. It can be something small, or the start of something big. Put a smile on someone’s face and tell them to pay it forward.

"If you decide in your heart and mind to help others in the same way you would like others to help you, then you are on the right track! We can help one another with our words, deeds, prayers, and the love and respect we share with others." Bill Greguska

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@Suzzy posted 3 years ago
