The Secret Of Will Power: Let God Directs You

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1 year ago

"If only those who persecuted & put me on the cross or log knew what they've done they will not do it." rephrase Jesus.

This was one of the verse I was wondering before why Christ had said in the first place. It may have appeared nonsense to you & to me yes it was, I'm not that perfect to know everything afar from Him.

As we can see in the whole story, as many have interpreted and talked about it, Christ in His mission in the flesh knew what will happen to Him, He knew that He will be sold by Judas' kiss, He knew what will happen with the law of Moises people' who persecuted Him and let those who would like to 'kill' Him did it. He offered His blood and flesh as a sacrifice for humanity only then for the lower spirits and carnal/egoistic people to realize it was too late because Christ was demonstrating His obedience, his will became one with the will of the 'Creator from above' and no it was not them, not their agenda that lead Christ on the cross but God's unfathomable way and will to stir and activate something in the flesh!

Where the Spirit leads us, let Him be and He alone finishes the whole stories, men may think it's their plans but the Creator ways is far higher & indescribable, I personally knew this because my past taught me that I cannot do things far from God. When we let Him directs us, although as we are given the 'alarms', discernment or guides about it, there is an immersion of will between us-His temple flesh and Him, and you will know which way and will to go and carry on.

We may acting from the direction of the Lord and projecting that movie from above to watch the next scenes, that even us cannot fully understand because we are God's stars, the actors behind the unseen, just like what Jesus have done to obey and yet this beautiful Oneness or Union have showed that men have no full control over that which they didn't created.

We flaw-lessly interpret things of other lives and actions that sometimes we forget to interpret what shall we do to improve our own.


As deep as it may sound, acting on behalf of your Creator is making your will one with His will, His Spirit integrated in your spirit and just like what the "early people and their spirits" caused Him to died in the carnality, it became a weapon naturally and spiritually against those controlling and oppresive spirits in men. He took over the bodies, cast away the spirits and made it His house(s). Then we became God's mansions.

This is the secret of will power that the old spiritual teachers have been talking about, obeying the Creator and knowing the will of the heavens empowered you to act and sense that cannot be seen naturally by the physical eyes or senses and knowing which to choose, which way to go, which food to eat etc. and still enjoy it with His presence, "Delight in me, always", He said.

Just heard this over Kirby's Active Intention teaching. I had another insight why Jesus have said bless those who persecute you. Let them spiritually slander or maliciously spread lies from their darkened hearts or manipulating spirits and the Lord their Maker will be the One to handle it, in His light.

Will power. Deep yet must touch with grace and belief.

Let God directs you. You are born of Him.

"I AM in Him, He is in Me."

Here's cheering on your interpretation to be enlighten by God's way & will, listen, un-stiffed,

SuperJulalaine 💗

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1 year ago


God can decide to use you in any ways which makes all his plans fall out in a perfect way😇❤️

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you Persia His perfect ways and will 💗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What a great article to start a day. ♥️ I really appreciate this especially now that I have some troubles that weakens me. But Gid will bever fail, I know He will directs me where I belong. So I will surrender everything to Him..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

TeacherLyn puyatan for school yata? 🤭 Amen, He is with you and you will have the courage about that 'thing', He never fails to speak kahit thru things or other people. Listen to that gentle voice in you ✌️.

$ 0.00
1 year ago