The Christ In You Is Out Of This Old World!

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1 year ago
Topics: World, Today, Prompt, Strategy, Article, ...

It would be a robbery for me to tell you to be like me, talk like me, dress like me, walk like me.

Rephrase from Kirby telling that unique self-expression of the Christ in you is the hoped of glory of others too.

Even this is not related to what he had preached, I remember this verses:

"For "it" comes to steal (rob), kill & destroy but I have come to give you life and life more abundantly." -Jesus

We thank the Spirit of Christ for redeeming us from being robbed of who we truly are!

The fuller life that a Creator granted to the believers of someone higher than them.

By just imagining ourselves imprisoned and pretending we are someone else who we are not, it is already a condition that pull our desire to be save from that being we wouldn't want to be, removing the masks of many faces that we really are not.

Christ in you, the victorious original copy of your Maker & Potter.

We've been sleeping with the mass of mostly old compliance -talk like this, walk like this, dress like this, think like this. The last part which is thinking like others even if it's detrimental already to us keeps us in bondage of being fake & sometimes a victim of fading paradigm, the bible called as fading glory.

Think uniquely. Think to live. Think about your truth above.

You are safe to express your emotions, yourself, your uniqueness in the most healthiest way possible. You are safe to be different, stay in your healthy cultures and still adopt into the newness of life as we advance into global cultures of peace, cooperation, liking our mixes and differences and still be beautiful and unique with that individual expression.

How amusing it is to see others who look different from us that can make us think "there's more that I can't see from this small world of mine, from the old version of me that needs growth, there's another groups who may teach and feed me of spiritual foods that I can chew for nourishment, physically, emotionally, economocially.

I am safe to think increasingly, exponentially, differently, victoriously inspite of my previous lower thoughts of fear, toxic division, lackness & more of it that casted out by the Spirit of Christ in me.

You are safe to be empowered of new thoughts that enhance your brand new self in Christ.

Being rebirthed from above gives us reflection, datas and ideas that we usually call "out of this world".

Being out of this world is safe, most when we realize that our Creator gave it for humanity to benefit from it.

Being out of this world is being in the "kingdom" that others can't see but God knows.

Being out of this world is safely expressing the glory of the Christ in you that may make a wave of new discoveries, helpful solutions, growth habits, open & receiving minds to bless, give and receive ascendingly again, expansion of understanding and wisdom, etc.

Amaze us & be you in the light. Peace.

Here's cheering on your genuine mirror,


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1 year ago
Topics: World, Today, Prompt, Strategy, Article, ...


Love this! You are right, as Christians we can still think and live like others in this world in a healthy way, don't need to be dogmatic.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you super LykeLyca, we love colorful and variation as how we love uniformity too. Just be open and put love above differences.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We should think about our personality and should stay in a healthy culture

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Think and self evaluate. Move in the flow and stay healthy, think progressively.

$ 0.00
1 year ago