Prayer = Commune Communion; Community

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2 years ago

Gregg B. says that prayer in other term means "commune".

Then I meditated upon it and other words related came out of the cloud;

Communion + Community

In our local (or international) belief, we have this "communion rituals" as a symbol of eating/drinking from the body of Christ as a remembrance of Him & while waiting for His existence again. It might be a physical or spiritual communion but still has the same significance. I honor those who have different type of religion but acknowledged Christ as Lord.

Communioning as one body but many parts, isn't it best describe a Community?

Goodness! The head looks different from the eyes, nose, mouth, hands etc. but they all made up the "One Body". The same teachings He had left us so that the "teeth" would not bite the tongue, the legs or skin etc. 🤭 Christ followers will be lessen biting each other, I guess He doesn't want that. Why dying for?

Will connecting into other parts, having a good & healthy relationship with them is the best definition of prayers: communing as community or one body parts?

Let's make it broader, aside from the silent prayers we do individually via ourselves, let's see prayers on the other side as community lifestyle.

We can live alone but there comes a time that loneliness or depression will creep our whole being & here is where upgraded prayers come. Being in a community of good, creative, inspiring, rich, healthy & supportive people will uplift our Spirit or Soul.

Who doesn't want to be in?

When the body is healthy, all other parts are rejoicing & when one is sick, the others can build them up & help them to be healthy.

They will also have models or other guides when the other part is abusing itself, almost killing or when it became a prodigal part (like the prodigal son).

Being in the body of light also teach us new things, better or advanced, you will be inspired to see why other people are happy, successful, have good intra & interpersonal relationships, abundant yet contented & humble.

We have the choice to reconcile, reconnect, restore being in the community of the Beloved. Rejoicing & delighting in having this life and the God-given talents gifted to us from above. We have the choice to run back home where the whole "kingdom", celebration, your Father & spiritual family is just waiting to hug your flaws & your best and your changes.

We have given the chance to clean our robes again and become as white as snow.

Hey I have another article for Snowhite: Standy & I'll post it soon 😉.

Edited: Here is the blog & find out what happened to Snow Sisters in the city & Who is Tago-tago! Happy reading.

When we considered our lifestyle & the community as our prayers too, things switch & change. We'd like to be a part of something bigger than us & not just ourselves (cause the Lord is huge!) and yes even if we feel that we are yet weak or little because inside each & every man is a superhero waiting to be unveiled as we awakened & we realized our real nature of being the "God in the flesh". Wow, you're a super reflection of the Creator of this multi-verses, cool.

We expand our sight & we are encourage to show what skills we have, we are not that shy anymore to shine our lights to those who are dim & lost.

We begin to extend our "care" to our neighbors & abstain doing things that hurt ourselves & them by being in their shoes.

We begin to THINK the benefits of our actions, words & behaviours, we begin to MIND of having a good life that serve our customers or business partners not our gossipers, MIND to build a welcoming or warmth home so the kids can learn it early on & extend it to others someday.

There are many factors to mention if we will tell it one by one, like you, I, we imagined a community that serves the highest purpose of living and being in this land. Peace, cooperation, love what else?

Communing in the light and truth with open hearts and transformed minds.

Make your life or lifestyle your prayers too: connect with good community.

There are more kind strangers if only you will know. Your story might just be one talk away from someone you will save from "suicide" or losing their lives. Your once mess is a message to those you will inspire. You're a superhero in Christ.

Here's cheering on your self restoration & good lifestyle to reconnect to the One Snow Healthy Body,

SuperJulalaine 💗

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2 years ago


The best form of prayer is living in communion with our neighbors

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love these words sister Sylvan, living in communion with our neighbors 🤗.

Regardless of colors, name, race, culture. Respect thy neighbors as you yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will wait for the article about snow white and by this name I also got an idea about my next writing

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, thanks some of the ideas I also got here, from members hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago