Humility Is Not Literally Wearing Dirty SackClothes: What Is It Then?

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1 year ago

Humble servants don't literally wear dirty clothes (yet has unchanged wicked hearts). There are different interpretation when it comes to reading the verses like that in Revelation 11.

Upon meditating in these Revelation 11 "and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth" I realize that this is not natural or literal. Source

Although in the early days before the new covenant or Christ, people, animals and kings usually wear "sackcloth" as a symbol of repentance and humility towards their Maker, this old tradition have change when the Holy Spirit made us His Holy temple in the new covenant.

For this God search not our outside repentance appearance that might be fake but our innermost being.

True humility of wearing sackcloth means "surrendering to God" wholeheartedly and willingly. It's exposing to him personally our nakedness or dirty clothed selves so He can give us His clean robe of righteousness as white and clean as snow.

I personally believe that God is move not by our outside humility but of full surrendering of our hearts and minds to Him.

If I am a temple of God, knowing how magnificent, beautiful and wonderful He is, I would dress me beautiful, not too much and not from wicked ways but of good ones. (I don't have to steal those clothes but I may work or given dress of God-sent humans)

No matter how much we wear sackcloth or other dirty damage linens, if our inside hearts and minds are not affected or changed towards God, such act of old kingdom traditions is false humility.

I personally conclude that I don't have to wear sackcloth literally because that's not the humility my Father is looking from me but my willingness to surrender into His will and plans for me, it's me being true & repented about my sins and mistakes and not hiding my wounded past to Him, exposing all my dirts and sackcloth to Christ so He could change me from glory to glory.

This friends and folks is the humility your God wants to see from you too.

If old kings wear sackcloth to get God's attention and forgiveness before, in Christ as a new (first) kingdom, as a new creation, even if in our fasting, we are adviced to put on oil, be clean, look and smell fine! Whatever that beautify your inside feeling and faith, the process is up to you, you know you & your senses 🤭.

This is true humbleness in the new testament.

Walking humbly before God, casting our burdens to Him and not selfishly do it our own, exposing our darkness to Christ who knows us better than we do. To Him who know His plans for us, not to harm us but to prosper us, plans to give us hope and a future. To Him who made us fearfully and wonderfully. To Him who saw us before we were formed in Mom's wombs. To Him who holds the unknown future. Surrender to Him by wearing our sackcloth of sins & wounded image so He could change our hearts and minds as new.

He sees your hearts and all, surrender.

Peace & Light.

Here's cheering on your snow robes and exposing your inside dirty sackclothes, wounded selves to God,

SuperJulalaine 💗

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1 year ago
