First Time Seeing Huge Koi
I have seen tiny fishes spec. the koi and it was an amazing first time cause they were really huge and long with heavy belly.
Here's my link if you'd like to visit it moving too 👉 My Meta Koi Reels.
Walking has healthy benefits that reorganize our "overthinking" and sometimes reducing toxic body chemicals. Thanks to this moment where we can simply relax, walk slowly and observe around, feeding our mind and soul of good views, positive vibes, healthy vitamin D, releasing happy hormones over routinary mood.
I remember before it locked down, I and our team used to walk around the office or outside where there was a nearby park (sometimes it's a food park) and let our time breaks spent on it.
Going back, seeing big colorful koi was amazing. I've searched that koi was a Japanese word for "carp" and it symbolizes good luck and long life and good health to them, since kois have long time to live.
The most expensive koi colored white with orange price is around $1M+ but I also was amused with the reddish and other colors of it. They say you can buy them from Japan because they are the one who produce large and different types & quality of koi. Would you also try having them at home? They are eyes seeker for sure and you will be in awe.
A kid had fun viewing them too.
What's your favorite fish? As pet or food.
Here's cheering on the koi fishes around the globe,
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$1M that's takes money fish to a whole another level, haha. There's a few Koi ponds here. They are colorful fish that like to hang out on the surface of the water. There some rich people who have there own ponds with them. I'm not either pond and Koi owner or rich,haha