Why does Bonnie like Clyde?

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2 years ago

Hello everyone, as always I hope that you are healthy and happy.

Today, I would love to talk a bit about one interesting topic. As you maybe can guess from the title of this article, I will write about good girl and bad guy.

Maybe you are wondering why do women like bd guys, criminals, what is so special about it, what bad guys have that good guys do not have.

Credits: History, real Bonnie and Clyde, photo from FBI

Well, it is not about guys, it is all about girls.

It is hybristophilia, what makes girls like bad guys.

Hybristophilia is a kind of paraphilia, and pharaphilia, simply said is a sexual attracion to something what is not normal and usual. People with paraphilia are attracted to atypical objects, fantasies, situations or behaviors. Some of the most known paraphilias are pedophilia, sodomy, sadism... there are also many fetishes, and some of them are very popular.

Credits: wattpad

Well, hybristophilia is one, not very known kind of paraphilia. It is a sexual attraction to people who commited crimes. Usually, women are those who have it.

That is because of women's nature. Women are used to men that are stronger than them. Trough years that was normal, and because of that women subconsciously are searching for strong men. Criminals seem strong, they have money, they have power, they seem like they can do anything.

Credits: Vector Stock

Also, those men are constantly well, maybe not afraid, but they all the time know that any moment can be their last. Because of that, they are spending a lot of money, they are having all the time. 'Work hard, party hard', they can lose their lives while they are 'at work', and because of that they are having a lot of fun, traveling a lot, spending a lot of money, and women love that.

But, there is one more thing about them, they can have a lot of women, and they usually do not have a relationship with only one woman at the time. And, that is what women usually do not think about, they want to believe that they are the only one, and they do believe.

Credits: TSM

Sometimes, they are the only woman to those men, but that is not happening often, because in mind of those men they are the alpha males, and as time is passing, their woman is getting older, and she is not the alpha female anymore (for them alpha female is the pretties one, and the prettiest one is usually the youngest one). So, they move forward and find an alpha female for themselves.

Usually those relationships end with a woman who is not happy anymore.

Now, I will talk a bit about reasons for this.

And, before I start with reasons, I want to tell that some of those reasons are not proved. Sicence still does not know all the things about our mind and because of that we still cannot be sure about some things.

Credits: Pinterest

First reason on this list is a lack of father. Some women, who have this kind of paraphilia do not have father, because he is dead, some of them are children of divorced parents, and they lived with their mothers, without their fathers, and some of them lived with fathers but they did not have a proper relationship. Maybe, father was too strickt, maybe he was not strickt at all. There are many things that can make a relationsip between child and father inapropriate.

Because they did not have a father that will protect them as they would love to or did not love them enough, or was not there for them. And, they have so called 'daddy issues' and they are looking for someone to solve that. Powerful man seems perfect for that.

Some other women are very successful and powerful and because of that they want to have man that is more powerful by their side, and criminals seem perfect for that.

Credits: Bonnie and Clyde from a movie, IMDb

Some women think that there is a little boy inside of dangerous man, and that buy needs love. So, they are loving that little boy. Sometimes dangerous men had some trumas in childhood, and tht made them dangerous. And, women are trying to comfort that boy.

And, sometimes women see that those men are not good and they are simply trying to fix them.

This is very common, hybristophilia is something what many woman have, but its name is not very popular and many people do not know that sexual attraction to criminals has a name and that is it a kind of paraphilia.

What we all know is that many women like bad guys a lot. There are many movies, many books, even songs about good girl who loves bad boy.

Credits: Fragrantica

There are even perfumes Good Girl and Bad Boy by Carolina Herrera

Here is one song about that.

I am sure that you have already heard this song.

And, here is one more song about this that is not as popular as the previous one. But, it is very popular in former Yugoslavian republics.

In all those movies, books, songs... criminal loves his princes a lot, but in real life sometimes she is not her princes and he is not his only woman.

Tell me in the comments below what is your opinion about this, and do you know any good girl who likes bad boys.

See you in a next article!



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