Later is too Late

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago

It seems to me that nowadays people are too busy to pay attention to small things that are making our lives big. We are waiting the break to take a coffe, we are waiting for the Friday to have fun, summer to go to vacation...

And, we are losing many great moments. We aqre waiting all the time, because we think that we do not have time. There are many things that we want to do, but we decided to do them later, and maybe later will be too late.

Later, the coffe will be cold, the weather will be rainy, we will be tired, somene, who we love a lot, will be gone...

We need to stop for the moment, and enjoy this moment. Stop what you are doing for a minute, take a deep breath, look around you, find something you like, watch it. Go to it, and touch it, take it, and leave it back. Make a break, and go drink your favorite coffe, take a vacation, and go visit the place that you always wanted to see.

Remeber, you will never be younger than you are now, and you were never older than now. Time will not stop, it can go only faster.

Do something good for your parents while they are still alive. Do something great for your kids while they are still kids. Do something amaizng for yourself while you still want that to be done.

One day, you will be old, maybe sick, and you will have time for everything what you ever wanted to do, but your desire will be gone. YOu will have time, but you will not have the energy. And you will be sorry, you will regret.

Remember, ten, twenty or trithy years from now you will be more sorry for the things that you have not done, than for all the things that you have done.

Even, if you make mistakes, that is okay, accept them, fix them if you can, and give your best to enjoy more in the future, maybe, if you enjoy more, you will make some better mistakes.

$ 0.70
$ 0.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for SuncicaZ
3 years ago


Budite pozitivni, budite veseli, za svaki problem postoji rješenje. Živite život kao da vam je posljednji dan. Činite sve ono što vas čini sretnim, samo imajte na umu da ne povrijedite druge. Živite život kao da vam je posljednji dan, jer možda je stvarno posljednji, jer za sutra nema garancije........

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Svaki dan moze da bude poslednji, bukvalno svaki, mozda zvuci surovo, ali tako je. Zato sve sto mozemo, treba da uradimo sada. Posle moze da bude kasno, mozda nece biti prilike, mozda se nesto nepredvidjeno dogodi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ono sto mozes danas, ostavi za sutra, a ono sto mozes sutra ostavi za prekosutra,... :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sutra je prekasno. Mnogo dobrih stvari smo odlozili za sutra, i nikada ih nismo uradili. Zato ne treba odlagati, sve sot moze da se odradi sada, treba sada i odraditi.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Vucem korenje iz Crne Gore, odande imam poreklo, a tamo je to danas za sutra normalno, mator sam da se menjam :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sve sto ne moras uraditi danas ostavi za sutra cuveni citat iz mog omiljenog stripa alan ford, e sad nekada je i bolje odloziti neke stvari ali samo ponekada

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ako kanis pobjediti, na smijes izgubiti! Hahahah. Neke stvari ne mogu da se urade odmah, ali mnogo njih moze da se uradi odmah, i sve sto moze odmah ne treba odlagati za kasnije, kasnije moze da bude prekasno. Prilika moze da ode vrlo lako.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kasnije... kada je to?

Dan je jedva počeo i već je šest sati navečer.

Teško stigao ponedjeljak, a već stigao i petak.

... i mjesec je gotov

... i godina je gotovo prošla.

... i već je prošlo 30, 40, 50 godina našeg života. Polako shvaćate koliko smo ljudi već izgubili. Roditelji, rodbine i mnogo prijatelja i poznanika.

Nema povratka nazad!

Zato pokušajmo uživati u vremenu koje imamo!

Ne prestajmo raditi aktivnosti u kojima uživamo.

Uvedimo boju u našu sivu svakodnevicu!

Osmjehnimo se sitnicama u životu koje nam donose toplinu oko srca.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Vreme leti previse brzo, i dok se okrenenmo, vreme je proslo, puno vremena je proslo, i nema ga vise. Vreme ide, prilike odlaze, novih mozda nece biti. Dobre stvari se nece desiti opet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's a bit bizarre when someone says, "Live each day as if it's your last!", But that specifically means those little things that make our lives more beautiful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is bizzare, but it is true, every single moment can be the last moment. And, we need to realize that as soon, as possible. When we realize that, everything will be much different. We will be much happier.

$ 0.00
3 years ago