Fear makes...

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2 years ago

...the wolf bigger than it really is.

This old German proverb can help us a lot, if we think a bit about it. We fear many things, and as famous Serbian writter Ivo Andric said "We were afraid of many things, but we should have not, we should have lived", and he was totally right.

Credits:The Conversation

We are afraid, we have fears, all the time. No matter what are we doing, no matter where we are.

There are many things that are strange to us, weird, many things that we do not understand and because of that we are afraid of them. Also, there are many things that should happen to us, and we do not know will they, we know only that we want them to happen, and we are afraid of them. There are many problems we havge to face, and we are afraid...

Our fear is feeding our problems, and they are bigger and bigger...

Fear will not solve anything, it just can make us blind and disable us to see or to find the solution.

Credits: Steam

When we calm down, we can see how big our problem really is, how important something really is, and how dangerous our wolf really is.

When we know what we have to solve, everything is much easier, that is why we need to stop being upset about things that are happening, that should happen, that we would love to happen, of people we do not like or we have some problem with.

And, even if you cannot solve it, you will survive, you do not have to be afraid of it. Your fear will not help you. Never!

Credits: Medical News Today

Stop being afraid of anything, because you can do anything, you can be whatever you wanna be, you can go wherever you wanna go.

So, stop being afraid, and start living your life. Maybe, your life is not perfect right now, but you are the only one who can make it perfect, and you are the only one who can make good and positive changes in your life, so start now. Not on Monday, not on the 1st next month, not today. Now!

If you do not start changing yourself, and if you do not leave your fears behind, your wolves will keep growing, and you will be just smaller and smaller, and at one point you will disappear.

You will be lost in your fears and that is not what you want for yourself, nobody wants that.

Fear is a negative feeling and it can cause only other negative feelings and other negative things. Fear will bring you sadness, sadness will bring you depression and depression can lead you to the very bad end.

Fear will make you a person who is alone, who is rather alone than with others, because other people can be something what they are afraid of. People are doing things that you can be afraid of, they can say thigs that you can be afraid of... if you do not stop being afraid. Just stop being afraid right now!

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2 years ago
