Every Sinner has a Future...

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2 years ago

... and every saint has a past.

And, what about that?

I am sure that you have heard this sentence many times before, and maybe you are sick of it. I have. And I am.

It is soo empty and soo deep at the same time. It wants to say that we all can change, but how often are people actually changing?

The Catholic Telegram

Not vert often, many people get out of jail and commint new crime that is worse than the previous one, and that is just one small example.

Many people are cheating on their partners all the time. They did it before, and they will do it againg. That is just the way they are.

People can change, but there are not many people, that are actually changing.

What can make a person change? Is it love that oters are giving to the person that should change? Is it love that person who should change, feels for others? Is it some kind of realisation? What should happen to someone to make him change?

What is strong enough?

Credits: Facebook

We can talk a lot about this, it is not universal, things are as vig as you see them. If it is a big deal to you, it does not have to be a big deal to others.

In my opinion, most people reallu deserve other chance, but who will give them that chance?

They. The onlu person who can give you a second chance is you. You have the prover to change your life, bu shanging yourself. You are the one who can, only if you want to. And, what will have to happen to make you want to change, again, depends only on you.

What I am trying to say is that peole sometimes do not know how powerful they are. The onlu one wwho can make a sinner or a saint out of youis you.

So, take your life in control now. Not on Monday, not on the 1st next month, not later, now.

Correct your sins and your mistakes today. Be a saint today. And, here I m not trying to make fun of any religion, I am using those two words as a metaphor.

Eberyone can change, just people usually do not want to. That is the whole point. If a sinner wants to be good, he can, and saint can always decide to be bad, but that depends only on them. That is their super power.

Credits: Safety4Sea

Stop trying to change people, you cannot do that, you do not have the power to change others, you can only replace them in your life, with other people.

Do not try to make them do what you want them to do, you are not supposed to do that. You can defentd yourself, if someone attacks you, but that is all you can. You are not allowed to go beyond that.

You can stop people from doing harmful things to you, but you cannot stop them from doing harmful things to themselves. And that is the biggest change that they can make, they can stop doing bad things to themselves. They can make changes on the inside, and that is where real changes are made. That is where sinnesr and saints are made. Inside. In the person. You cannot get in there, and you will never be able to get in there, so stop trying. Give up and let them be.

If they want to change, they will, if they do not want to, they will not. If they want you cannot stop them. If they do not want to, you cannot make them.

Accept the things as they are, sometimes you do not have other solution.

See you bery soon,


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2 years ago
