Beauty of lotus flower

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3 years ago

Dear all friend,

Have a another beautiful day. I am also fine by the grace of Almighty god. Our friend @Dreamer arrange some giveaway. All of you also can join.

Here is the below link :

I am going to share beauty of lotus flower.

So let's start...

The lotus flower not only attracts people as a symbol of purity, beauty and holiness, but also as a food and medicinal plant. Lotus is used in the cosmetic industry as ‘perfume’ or ‘aroma’. Researchers have proven that Padma has anti-obsessive and anti-diabetic medicinal properties. There are also alkaloids such as nuciferin, aporphin and armepavin.

Lotus flowers are usually white, pink or light pink in color. Many people misunderstand the similarity between red water lily and lotus flower, but the difference can be understood only by looking at the seeds. In Kashmir and Iran, blue lotus flowers are found which are called blue lotus or blue lotus.

Once upon a time in our country, beautiful lotus flowers used to bloom in ponds or lakes. But due to nature hostility and pollution, the lotus flower can no longer be seen. And it is rare to see lotus flowers in the city. As a symbol of holiness, lotus has been cultivated in a pond at Sri Sri Kaibalyadham in Firoshah area of ​​the city. The lotus flower blooms mainly in autumn but can also be seen in the rainy season. The lotus flower has already started blooming in the pond of the temple.

Today I have only shared pictures of white lotus flowers with all of you. There is a saying that lotus flowers bloom in the dung. The lotus is the national flower of India.

According to the servicemen, pink and white flowers will adorn the whole pond in autumn even if it blooms less now.

@Meher89 here is above my article about beauty of lotus flower for @Dreamer giveaway contest.

Stay home, stay safe.

Thank you..

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$ 1.02 from @Dreamer
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Avatar for Sujitdas1
3 years ago


lotus is one of the beautiful flower. your choice is good and also your photography. I apriciate to you. back me subus plz

$ 0.00
3 years ago

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3 years ago

According to feng shui philosophy, the lotus is a divine flower, a symbol of wisdom, divine enlightenment and purity, imbued with creative energy and spiritual prosperity. Lotus petals according to this teaching have regenerative power for our body and spirit, as well as the power to bring us into a state of nirvana by giving us an abundance of extra strength. The greatest potential of this flower is hidden in its buds, while the flower itself is considered one of the most powerful talismans.

In Eastern cultures, the lotus is a worshiped flower and is often a central part of many religious rituals and legendary stories. Many consider it an unusual attribute of divine power, because, for example, Indian gods are often shown sitting with a lotus flower in their hands - the Buddha sits with a lotus, while Vishnu holds it in one of his four hands, and Brahma rests on it.

In China, the lotus is revered as a symbol of deity and is considered a sacred flower, which began long before the spread of Buddhism. In Chinese art, paradise is often represented as a lake covered with lotuses, with each flower growing on the lake representing the embodiment of the soul of the deceased.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your valuable comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lotos je prema feng šui filozofiji božanski cvet, simbol mudrosti, božanskog prosvetljenja i čistote, protkan kreativnom energijom i duhovnim prosperitetom. Latice lotosa prema ovom učenju imaju regenerativnu moć za naše telo i duh, kao i moć da nas dovedu u stanje nirvane podarivši nam izobilje dodatne snage. Najveći potencijal ovog cveta krije se u njegovim pupoljcima, dok se sam cvet smatra jednim od najsnažnijih talismana.

U istočnjačkim kulturama, lotos je obožavan cvet i često predstavlja centralni deo mnogih religioznih rituala i legendarnih priča. Mnogi ga smatraju neobičnim atributom božanske moći, jer su na primer, indijski bogovi često pokazivani kako sede sa lotosovim cvetom u rukama – Buda sedi sa lotosom, dok ga Višnu drži u jednoj od svoje četiri ruke, a Brahma počiva na njemu.

U Kini, lotos se poštuje kao simbol božanstva i smatra se svetim cvetom, što je započelo dugo pre širenja budizma. U kineskoj umetnosti, raj je često predstavljen kao jezero pokriveno lotosima, pri čemu svaki cvet koji raste na jezeru predstavlja otelotvorenje duše preminule osobe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

All the pictures of lotus are really attractive... You are really a good photographer... Keep it up..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for your feedback.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article is really interesting. keep it up and wait for the giveaway result😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for appreciate my article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just incredible shots dear... Best of luck

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you.

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3 years ago