Amazon company founding story and their business strategy

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3 years ago

Amazon is founded by Jeff Bezos and the CEO of Amazon. The company founded by Jeff Bezos once sold old books. And now it's a trillion-dollar company worth 1 trillion. But what is the story of the founding of the Amazon company?

Jeff Bezos seemed to know his own future. Listening to his story, it seems that he had a crystal ball in his hand, through which he could see his own future. Just two decades ago, Jeff Bezos was a very ordinary entrepreneur.

He knew that there would come a time when people would choose online for shopping, shopping or anything. And all the products can be reached with one click of the computer. The business of shopping malls will be reduced, the shops will be forced to make various offers to sustain the business. So this was the beginning of the story of the founding of the Amazon company.

Jeff Bezos's high school girlfriend said in an interview, "I always thought Jeff Bezos would one day be a very big rich man. But don't think that for his money it seemed so. The reason was that Jeff Bezos was characterized by what would happen with money, how the future could be changed.

The story of Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos was born in 1964. At that time his parents were 19 years old. However, their separation took place within a few years. And Jeff Bezos grew up in the house of his mother Jackie and second husband Mike Bezos.

Mike Bezos worked for the Access Company and was born in Cuba. But when Fidel came to power, he fled to the United States. And speaking of Jeff Bezos, his interest in various subjects can be seen from a young age. Such as towards science and engineering. At the age of three, his extraordinary talent can be seen. At this age, he could unscrew his toy with a screwdriver.

Jeff Bezos said in a speech while in high school, "I see a future when people will establish colonies in space. This means that you can be successful only if you can think about your future, how to do it or how to plan ahead. As can be seen from the story of the establishment of the Amazon company.

Jeff Vezos studied computer and engineering at Princeton University. He then moved to New York and worked for several finance companies. He got acquainted with his wife Mackenzie from his job.

Jeff Bezos had no desire to work. Different ideas keep popping up in his head at different times. Finally, when Jeff Bezos was 30, he quit his job. Think of doing something on your own. Moved to Seattle, a city in the western part of the United States. And this Seattle is called the story ground of the Amazon company.

In 1995, he started a company called Amazon. The company initially sells old books. He then took various initiatives to strengthen the structure of the company. In just one month, Jeff Bezos' old book sales business has grown exponentially. Within a month, he started selling books in 50 states of the United States. It then launched its operations in 45 countries outside the United States. They have a lot more to add. After five years, the number of buyers has increased from 80 thousand to 1 crore 70 lakhs.

According to BBC sources, the Amazon company was initially sold for 5 lakh 11 thousand dollars. Five years later, it stands at 1.6 billion. Gradually as many big companies as there are deal with Amazon and start doing business with Amazon. As a result, Amazon became a public company in 1997.

This is where the foreground of Jeff Bezos' life comes into play. At just 35, Jeff Bezos was named one of the richest people in the world. Who was, the spokesman of the story of the founding of the Amazon company.

In 1999, Time Magazine named Jeff Bezos "King of Cyber ​​Commerce" and was named "People of the Year".

Amazon business strategy

There is a saying that you can earn as much as you can spend. This is what Jeff Bezos did very well. And so Jeff Bezos did not hesitate to spend money to make money. He offers free shipping to sell Amazon products. For 10 out of 23 years, Amazon has kept the price of all its products low. Amazon had to pay for the parking of staff cars in front of the Amazon head office. Jeff Bezos has been seen using a variety of tactics to deal with opposition from different workers at different times.

In June 2018, Amazon sold products worth about 5.3 billion US dollars. In the first three months of the same year, the profit was 2.5 billion US dollars. That being said, there is nothing in the world that is not sold on Amazon. All kinds of products are available on Amazon. In addition to e-commerce services, Amazon offers a variety of services, including web services, cloud computing services, robotics, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. They have an aerospace company called Blue Origin. 50% of Amazon's products are sold through the affiliate market.

In 2017, food company Gol Foods bought Amazon and online pharmacy. In a word, Amazon is constantly taking new initiatives to take their multinational company to a stage where no other company can reach. Jeff Bezos is now the owner of the Washington Post in the United States.

Also offers services like Amazon Fresh, Amazon Prime, Amazon Alexa, Amazon App Store, Amazon Drive etc. Which is the last page of the Amazon founding story.


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