Fear; do not exhibit fear.
What in this world? Fear is no way good at all, it is very emotion sinking. You can meet people who are living in fear today. The fear of what to do, the fear of who to and who not to talk to. The world we are today has grown up even after many millions of years, but yet the world has not matured beyond fear and the creation has not been able to overcome the power of fear.
We are troubled by physical impulse that we observe through our sense organ, things that we see, the sound that we hear from without, our immediate environment that poses to be a threat to our fitness and wellness. So many times this stimulus are quickly picked by a part of our brains and it sends message to all our nerves are veins. Sometimes, your body start to shake
To some, the threat may be physical or imaginary. You may see a dangerous snake and you become afraid or you've got a bad dream, a scary one and it triggered fear from within you and your peace from within is being troubled .
The trouble about the terrors of the night, the fear of the unknown and the mysterious things that happened in the day. It is normal for a person to be afraid because you see something that is a threat but to many even in their sleep, the picture of the threat will still remain in their heart and they have sleepless night.
It is not good to fear, some people faint at the sight of danger, whereas they could escape from such danger or even withstand it. God did not want us to fear, that is why many times he says "... fear not,..." fear is not good so we should not exhibit it as our character.
"And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will favor you with blessings and multiply your descendants for the sake of My servant Abraham." (Genesis 26:24)
All images used are from unsplash.com
Have a stronger faith instead rather than fear.