Convocation confusion; To go or not to

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2 years ago
Topics: Pain, Depression

Responding to the urgent notification that I got, I had to make a quick plan for the next line of action about what to do. It felt like a state of confusion as I was left to make whichever choice out of the two decision options in my mind I am taking the throne that pleases me the most.

Before this time, I thought that I had decided that I won't be breaking soon. Maybe I had a change of mind, or probably I was only guessing a decision for myself. Because it was the only option that I have available earlier. I need to stop be eating around the corner of the matter, what was the main decision issue at hand? A few days ago I got a notification that was sent from one of our group members who are a staff member of the senate, Ondo state university working on campus. He sent an invitation message to the group, and It was written in the message that there will be a convocation program organized for the graduates, and that ceremony will be taking place within the campus premises.

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However, I was not expecting to receive such a message. Because the last time that I communicate with my course adviser, he told me that they were unable to lay their hand on any result collation yet. It is clear that without result collation, convocation will not be possible, So it came unexpectedly.

To me, it sounds like joyful information and I must respond to it. That is what triggered me to share the info with my friend and ask if he had heard about it and to know what his plans are if he had heard about it before. When I notified my friend @Kristofferquincy about it. He made some response la that made me to feel bad.

Tears were almost rolling down my cheeks, as though, I have committed a punishable offense against the law and was going to be punished very soon. In my mind, I began to feel like I have hurt his emotions. I suppose that I needed to be charged for breaking the convocation news to my friend. I'm an offender for troubling your emotions dear friend.

Nonetheless, he didn't charge me for anything, although, It was a sorrowful day incidentally, unfortunately, the convocation date clashed with a sad memorable day for him. On the 10th day of December. I will keep it in mind never to disturb you with any news on this date, dear. He explained the incident that is attached to the date in his last post, you can check it out, you care to know. So, I don't need to repeat it.

It's just a few hours to the convocation date. I began to feel nervous about whether to go to the ceremony or not to go. I wondered what my friend will be feeling at the corner of his room at the moment. Not only that, but I felt like I need to remain at home, sit back at home and call my friends and to try consoling him because my friend told me that he would not be coming for the convocation program.

A picture of a page in the convocation bulletin as It was published for the program on the alumni WhatsApp group where the list of those of us that our results has been collated was disseminated. I had to come to a conclusion because my name was one of them in the list. Though, my friend won't be able to come due to the stress of travelling a long distance and his moody moment.

He later exposed it that he has gone over the sad memory later in his post. My mind was at peace this time around. I was not feeling sad anymore, and I went for my convocation without any mental stress.


What we like and consider as good news at times can be what causes pain to someone else. We should be moderate while sharing some info.

We should move on always, life is full of a lot of trials and pains, it is hard to go through it without taking part in those trials.

Move on, whatever the condition is.

$ 2.53
$ 2.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @Ling01
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Avatar for Success.1
2 years ago
Topics: Pain, Depression


Be safe of what you're doing my friend,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your welcome

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hopefully both of you are totally fine now, or if not now as it takes time, Soon:)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes dear friend we are doing fine. Thanks dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep safe always of whatever you do 🤗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I clearly believe you should go. It's one of those things you are likely not to experience twice

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, I finally went for the convocation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago