Reflective Questions in the Morning

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3 years ago
Topics: Thoughts, Reflection

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Waking up in the morning is already a blessing. A brand new day has come, and of course, we want it to be as productive as it can be. But let me ask you a question. What is the first thing you actually do this morning? Just be honest.

Honestly speaking, I grabbed my phone to see what time it is. Then I checked my account to see whether my previous article has been noticed. Guess what? I was delighted to see its status. After that, I fixed my beddings and proceed to the kitchen, where I washed my mouth and drink a cup of water to rehydrate my system after being slept for some hours.

If you are in the province, you apparently did not need an alarm clock since roosters will wake you up in the morning. But if you are living in the city, of course, you'll gonna set the alarm so you can wake up early if you are still having a hard time waking up early without a notice.

Here are some of the Reflective Questions that can help you decide what you are going to do this day and help you become productive.

1. How do I feel today?

A Simple question asking how you feel upon waking up in the morning is a great thing to exercise your mind. It is also crucial for us to check in with how we are feeling at the moment. You can assess yourself if you are happy, energized, a bit sad, lonely, among others.

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Thinking of it and answering this question itself can direct us to the activities we will do with this day. If you are feeling energized, you may have a morning run. You do not have to go to other places. Just run around in your house to relieve stress and take away the negativity in the surroundings. But if you feel a bit lonely, then acknowledge that and set the intention of doing your favorite hobby or have some small talks with your friends or any member of your family. Just always remember to listen to our body, and of course, our mind.

2. If you can accomplish a thing or two today, what would it be?

This is another question that can help you become more productive on this day and in the following days. Identifying a thing or two that would make your day thriving can help you discern the most important thing or the priorities you should do and must do.

Would it be finishing your unfinished work? Working on your assignments and requirements? Reviewing for upcoming quizzes or exams? Spending time with your pets? Helping your family do the household chores such as doing the laundry? Teaching your little sister or brother or son or daughter? And many other things.

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Many of us prefer to manage substantial to-do lists. Still, there is a tendency to build a feeling of confound and stress. With this, distinguishing the key activities daily can help us feel each progress, no matter how little it is, while being compassionate to ourselves. We also get tired, so do not exhaust your energy just by doing one and the same thing all day long.

Other questions you can answer with:

  • What can I do to surprise someone today?

  • What can I do to be one step closer to what I wanted to be?

  • Do I have to follow my morning routine every weekday this weekend, or do I have to adjust some activities?

Including it in your morning routine and doing it as a habit may help you become productive. Little progress is still progress. So, be patient. If you think of trying it, give it a try. You will not experience its excitement unless you try.

Once you are ready, get a pen and paper. Look for a comfy place to sit with a fine glass of water to refresh your body and mind and begin your day on the curb with a positive mindset. If this post has resonated with you, you may want to read my other articles. Thanks for reading.

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3 years ago
Topics: Thoughts, Reflection
