Graphic Design

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Written by
4 years ago

If i should ask you all to define the meaning of Graphic design, most of might say it is just the act of designing a picture or making a logo or flier. Most of you just take graphic designing as a mere skill or job used to earn money. Well all this is true but those are not just what graphic design is made up of.

Graphic design is life. When i say graphic design is life, it sounds untrue but when you put it to thought, you will understand because when you are about to make a design, every other thing around you or in your mind is worthless at that time. Graphic Design involves the combination of time, full focus, creativity, thoughts, energy, relaxed mind, internet, inshort at that moment of making a graphic design, it takes everything both within and out you.

When an artist or a designer looks at a picture or an object, what he or she sees is totally different from what anyother person sees.

A designer's mind is totally crafted in a way that he can form something very meaningful from something very useless or has no meaning. He can bring different ugly pictures, combine them and form something explicitly wonderful. He can change ugly to beautiful, useless to useful, meaningless to meaningful, scattered to arranged and lots more.

Let me show you some wonderful creations. Photo manipulations;

Am a designer and I know what it takes to create just one of those wonderful photo manipulations. It involves alot of creativity, focus and time. You also have to be very good at colour balancing, contrast, perspective and lots of things involved.

Well to be honest graphic designers deserve a whole lot more than they get if only the world can acknowledge and recognise good work.

$ 0.09
$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Stella
Written by
4 years ago


Nice Weldone

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks alot dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Instead of trying to define anything, i would like to add an interesting side note to this article. There is two type of graphics artist exists:

  1. OH NO i cant draw hands, so i will never draw hands on my art any more.
  2. OH NO i cant draw hands, so i decided to draw hands for a week.
$ 0.00
4 years ago