Complaints by some authors on

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Good day everyone.

After the recent updates and changes done by on the copy/paste of articles from another website whether yours or not, some members has been complaining and even threatening to leave for good because of these new development.

Let me air and clear something here to those authors complaining.

Seriously can you get paid for offering a particular service in two different organizations? Let me take for example designs. If a client buys or uses a design, you shouldn't use that same design for a different client because it could cause legal problems.

This is the same thing that applies here. pays you for your work and articles, dont you think you should at least give them something different from your past work? Dont they deserve to be given an article that is not found anywhere else? They spend alot of money and time paying authors for writing and these authors are not even showing signs of appreciation by giving their best at least if not for anything but for the wonderful opportunity is offering to each and every one of us.

Before now i couldn't even boast of $5 in my wallet but has changed that. Because of am seeing a reasonable dollar amount on my wallet. has been an open door to many of us especially those who are new to the crypto currency world and we should at least all appreciate by making it unique, By giving it our best.

I can imagine the joy that is filled in their hearts when they get to see an article that is found no where else but in platform.

I know its not easy to always think of an article to write but please and please we should all try to understand that is only trying to minimize the amount of spammers in the platform which is to our own benefits in the long run. Even if you want to use the same article you used in another website at least make changes. You could use same topic but the body of the article should be different to at least 50% from the previously written one.

I hope you all see good reasons to this new development and try to appreciate the good works by Thank you all and thank you most especially to @Read.Cash .

$ 0.00


The most of the complaints was about the amount of the payment. Who makes holy war for those automated 0.1$ payouts, should find a real job. A few days ago when i complained about this feature, it was doing it because i found it buggy and unreasonable, and not because of the price. The price should not be ramped up, to avoid getting hit by even more spammers and parasites.

Real and normal articles are already hard to come by, like a needle in a haystack.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is very nice. I am very interested to read the part. Your writing style is very unique. Your post is very quite well.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You get a thumb up for this from me. If those who complain leave it will be good for this platform. For sure they find a different place to be. I think we will have better content if they do what they say. Goodbye to complainers and scammers and the rest.

At times I do find it a pity I cannot post what I once wrote. I am a storyteller and want to keep a part of the stories save. I know it no longer is on some platforms I joined. I knew before I started here it was not allowed so I wonder how others don't know this.

To those who do not know what to write I would say: Start reading for a change and leave a comment. A comment that fits to what you read. It will benefit the reader, this platform and you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, as for me I don't see anyone quitting as a threat to the platform. I fervently believe that a cent earned from honorably is far better than $10 earned in a crook way. "We are all benefiting from the website, we MUST no kill it". Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow this issue is really getting out of hand. But Geri to be honest you cant blame them for reducing points of deleted articles. They did that to ensure that spammers don't get away with cash after deleting previously published articles. is really under high pressure from donors, authors and users of it is totally not easy to coordinate such a large platform with thousands of users.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I understand, i dont blame them, actually i was suprised on his reactions: how rapidly his reactions became hostile.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I didn't know there are writers complaining about the point system, personally I don't see anything wrong with it... Though some members i invited that the way they earn daily is so irregular... that they might get 100 points today and it amounts to 0.9$ but another make 600points and it would amount to 0.1$... they just could wrap their head around the problem

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly. This platform gave us the opportunity. If we can't think of any article to write, we can always do a lot of things here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Many people copy past our article. It is very bad of read cash. Your writing style is very nice. Carry on.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Desperate time calls for desperate measures

We all must earn big I know its not easy to always think of an article to write but please and please we should all try to understand that is only trying to minimize the amount of spammers in the platform which is to our own benefits in the long run. Even if you want to use the same article you used in another website at least make changes. You could use same topic but the body of the article should be different to at least 50% from the previously written one

$ 0.00
4 years ago