Writing with Spell Check is a Double Edge Sword.

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Avatar for StarLord
4 years ago

Auto Spell Check Feature

Spell check seems really good in concept and it is a lot of the time. Picks up words in error. But sometimes the box auto populates with the wrong word. And changes the meaning of something, dramatically in some cases.

I wish I could turn it off. And I guess I could. But it's probably a new benefit. It pays to double check ones work to catch any errors.

Casual Typing

This is somewhat a different topic but casual typing has a lot of errors. Once I wanted to offer a friend some services for FREE to help him out. But After I had posted it and he responded (forunately well). I has realised the 'R' was missing. So my offer was actually for a FEE! I was very annoyed. It ruined my whole offer of giving something free and helping others.

Social Writing

I think learning to type well with all fingers would help reduce errors as well as getting the habit of using the spell check tools.

Well here is to improving once writing skills! A journey and not a destination it seems.


$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @unitedstatian


I have experienced things like this before and sometimes it wasn't funny lol...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah not funny and rather annoying. Just reminds one to pay more attention to ones writing and really proofread as much as possible. Not be a lazy writer.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Even just chatting online, this still happens and I've had spellchecker change the words from what I wanted to something very odd.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

But speling checker is some times good.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes Agree it is mostly good. And the other speech check tools in the menu are excellent. I also like word count too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah I come across these issues too. Like you say just need to proofread a few times before posting. Especially late at night and when one is tired or distracted.

$ 0.00
4 years ago