Do Dreams Have Or Does Not Have Meanings?

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2 years ago

March 10, 2022 | 35th Article

Dreams. Two meanings. One, related to what we want, like having a dream job, dream house, etc. And two, what we saw in our sleep, like being in a dreamland, or your random thoughts.

Let's talk about dreams, that are related to our sleep. Do they have a meaning?

Well, we saw random places, weird dreams, even nightmares that somehow controls your body whatever that happens in your sleep, like Falling down on the cliff and your body somehow acts that you just fell in real life.

But what about those thoughts you have in your dreams, do they involve in the future or have a meaning that you need to know?

Let us talk about it.

Note. Before proceeding, I want you to know that this article is based on my thoughts and experiences. Not all things mentioned are real and might not be helpful. I'm not a psychologist or whatsoever. I'm only sharing my thoughts.

This idea is requested by @DrPsycho

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Why Dreaming?

According to

“Research published in 1985 suggests the purpose of dreams is to organize knowledge and to form brain connections, which helps with memory recall,” says Dr. Butler. “This theory suggests dreaming is an opportunity for the brain to problem-solve, make decisions and prioritize.”

It recalls our memory on what happened before, and to organize knowledge and form brain connections.

But do we actually, dream that looks weird? Yep. We do.

Nightmares for example, because of what happened before that is scary or traumatizing, stress and anxiety, we dream of it, recalling what happened, and we don't wanna let that happen.

But, what happened to me, dreaming that actually connected to the future ahead of me.

Read my article here, just to lessen the words I type.

Its weird, but people might think, it's just a random thought. Every dream are just hallucinations.

But not all are just random. They do have a meaning...

What's the meaning of my dreams?

In my own experiences and opinions, if you understand what really happened while dreaming, how it "maybe" connected to the real world, or what does the dreams wanna tell you.

For example, mine in the last dream-related article, my dreams are rarely connected to the real events.

I actually know it might happen, because of how it was realistic, and how the environment of the place in that dream, actually came from the place I'm currently in or I know.

And few months later, that dream, became real.

I actually got almost think I got déjà vu-ed, but I realise in my mind, I dream of this event before then. Using my phone near the window to do something, while constantly getting annoyed by my sisters and noises from the TV.

Another thing is that, my mother told me that while the church is stagnant, the treasurer dreamt of something.

Something that is weird and at the same time, she could understand why that happened.

While having heavy rainfall, the rocks kinda almost falling down the hill, where the church is actually having a foundation. And after it was now falling, the church is destroyed.

And, then the connection between events to dreams now linking. As the treasurer seeing that the pastor before, now doing stuff that are all "from the flesh (humans' doings)", and never even used his privilege to preach the word of God to please the Lord.

Meaning, to most of the church members and the leader of leaders in the ministry, that the dream she had is related to what will happen if this behaviour is still not revealed and could lead to destruction of the chr uh and the members too.

It takes some time to realise and know the meaning. But, you might think, all dreams have meanings.

Remember, not all dreams have meaning. They might be related to imaginations and such. Some are connected to your health, like emotional and social (nightmares can be the result), and others.

For me, if its really realistic, I always think that it might be a good thing to know its meaning and can be connected to real events. And if its still in my head, that's also a sign, that this dream could have a meaning.

How to know the meaning of the dreams?

Actually, this is all just thoughts, but maybe this could help you like it actually helped me.

  • Pray for the meaning. If you're confused why the same dream is still appearing in your dreams or still in your head and you can't forget it, this will help. Ask guidance, signs, and help from God himself can help you know what does it mean. I personally do this if I'm really confused what does it mean, and after reading a bible verse and praying, it actually relaxes me, and made me think of something that could connect or relate to the dream, in a non-annoying way. And it helps.

  • Ask some answers to your family. One thigh for sure that I can able to do, is to ask my parents what does this mean. And I have to explain what happened in that dream, and they'll make you understand. And maybe this could help.

  • Ask your friends. This can be the second thing or last thing to do if you have second thoughts. Asking your friends can help too, and maybe they could able to help yo understand.

This ways of understanding a dream are all the things I do when I wanna know what does the dream wanted to say.


For some people, they'll ignore it, because of how it was just hallucinations.

But maybe, try to think that some of the dreams you have, could lead to somewhat a real life events that could happen.

All of this are just thoughts and experiences, so some points are guaranteed "true" and some are not.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Enjoyed the article? Let me know in the comments or liking the article.

I'll see you next time!


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2 years ago


I just got a dejavu moment seconds ago then I was surprised to find an article about dreams. Anyways, I think our dreams are somewhat connected with the future. Based on experience, there was one time where I was able to predict one event from happening because of a dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait, you have the same kind of dream like me. Wow. Its really weird to have this kind of dream, like you think that you can predict of what's coming...

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2 years ago