Do your best

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1 year ago

I was in the shop on a Thursday afternoon, when my Oga’s friend came in. She was really bothered and was murmuring. All the apprentice including myself were wondering what could have been wrong with her, as she was really a jovial person. This time around, she came in and sat down, praying aloud. That was unlike her.

At first, I had wondered what was going on, but then I kept looking at the clothes my Oga was cutting as that was the main reason I was there. I completely took my mind off her friend who was now pacing around the shop. I was still In my thoughts, when I heard my Oga say, “You’ll be fine.” I was scared she had heard what I was saying inside of me. Thank God she was talking to her friend.

Her friend was a dark, beautiful, tall woman. I love her stature a lot. I love the way she walks and her personality. She seem cool to be with. Whenever she’s in shop with us, she always had something to say. The way she talks gently and the way she places them. Even when she’s angry she still talks calmly. I said a little prayer inside, because I know she deserve nothing but the best. You would have thought my prayer had made her speak out. She took a deep breath and said “I’m finished.”

This lecturer has been constantly failing her right since 200 level and now she’s in 500 level, and he still gave her an ‘F’. He said the only way out is for her to do what he want. He want to get laid with her just like she said he did with other female students. They said he’s known for that in the main campus. My Oga’s friend said she had fasted and prayed about this man and hope he would forget about it, but he said he’s on his way to pick her up. And she didn’t want to waste another year as the school has been on several strike, a 5-year-course had literally turned to 7 years course.

The lecturer called her and told her he is at the junction. She wiped her tears and went away. We could all see the man’s car from the rooftop, but we couldn’t do anything to save her. Then my Oga said that was a lesson to us. She said her friend wasn’t that serious with her education. She never liked reading that much. She just never liked stressing herself. How I wish she had done her best in her 200 level days. How I wish she had put in her best in all the courses. How I wish she wasn’t in the position she was at that moment, but there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to save her.

Do your best in everything you lay your hands on. Be it education, business, or whatever. No matter how much you hate a particular course or a particular lecturer, make sure you do your best in his course and Leave the rest for God. One thing I avoid saying is, “I hate a particular lecturer or course.” You can’t focus on something you hate. Avoid using the word ‘Hate’ especially in your studies.

If Oga’s friend were to be a guy, he could have accepted money from him or tell him to retake his course. But as a woman, he didn’t accept money but her body. I don’t want to be in that situation. Try and make your studies your main priority, at least for the short period you are in school. Try studying, so, you don’t do the otherwise for grades.

I didn’t come across her after that time. I’m sure she would tell her friend and us nothing happened in the hotel. I’m sure that will be a secret she will never tell anyone in her life. I’m sure she’s not proud of what she did that day. I pray she will never be in that position again. I’m sure she has learnt her lesson.

This is what happens in most universities, polytechnics. It is not a new thing, but make sure it doesn’t happen at your end. It is not a good thing. At the end of the day, it’s not worth it. We don’t necessarily have to live a life full of regrets. We’ve got lot of regrets already. Do your best in everything you do. There’s nothing like, reading is for certain set of people. For the years, you are going to spend in school, make sure you try your best. It’s important.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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1 year ago


Why is it that females always like when other females are tall and slim but males hardly do?🤔something I've often wondered about. You are absolutely right about the do your best part we really need to do our best in whatever we do, some situations though are not caused by us she might have read well studied hard and the man might have failed her on purpose to have his way with her, that happens too, sometimes it is out of our control and initially not our fault. Nice to make your acquaintance soulwriter

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I guess the guys don’t have good eyes for girls😂. I’m joking. You’re right, el-frame. May God help us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lool guys 90% of the time prefer shorter curvier girls... Its just in our nature, yeah I could spot the joke. May God help us indeed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

So sad how wicked this lecturers treat students. Wish her all the best

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Education is really very important, so we must always give it a like attitude but not hate, and for your oga's friend and very sorry about that, I hope she will actually find a good way to get out of the problem, some lecturer can be so mean and cruel

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah, i hope so.

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

I feel for her ooo but she caused it sha cos she should have read very well to pass. All the lecturers sef, God will judge them and let them weep, non-sense people.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Calm down, comrade. You are very angry about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very very angry, they just sleep with someone's future wife for free, chai

$ 0.00
1 year ago