Hello I’m new here and this is my first post. I love the idea of the app, and I can promise you already you’ll be seen a lot of me here. Today I want to talk about my puppy, his name is Pequi (short for pequeño in Spanish), he is a male almost 5 months old chihuahua, we’ve always had chihuahuas at home, Pequi is our third one. He is too big for a pure chihuahua, so I think he has some mix, and though we love him, we have a problem with him, he loves to bite everything, and I mean everything; the legs of the chairs, our plants, the paint in the wall, your fingers (if you risk yourself to touch him), mats (he loves those), anything from our backyard (dead leafs, broken branches), you name it!!! So we are a bit worried and upset with this behavior as our other dogs never behaved like this when they were puppies. We’ve come to even think about giving it back, but I feel so attached to him already, and when I look in his eyes all I see is love and kindness!!!! Please I’d like to hear about similar experiences and how you’ve managed them. I was reading on the web and they say it all may have to do with him moving his teeth, and that it will go after this period, but I’m a bit worried, repairing a house in Cuba is really expensive, especially if you’ve been out of work for more than one and a half years already be of the pandemic. Any help with ideas about this would be appreciated. Thanks.

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@Soulman posted 2 years ago
