Everyone must accept the news of death!
Hello dear my lovely read friends! How are you? Hope you all are well I am also well with your prayers and God's grace.
"I will write today's article in the light of the previous article. I couldn't write my full speech because I didn't have much time that day, I will finish it today".
In the last article I wrote about the dead Shalik bird. And discussed some lessons from this dead bird. Death will not spare us. At the time of our death we will not have a single second to seek forgiveness from Allah. So we always have to die.
None of us can tell when we will die. And one can guarantee one day that one day he will live and death will not defeat him. Why not have so much money, house, car Death cannot be stopped. No one can prevent death.
He has life, he will die. Inanimate matter never dies because it is already dead it has no life so how can it die again. Do we remember death constantly?
We have forgotten the truth of our own death in the lust of this world. Remembering death, we should do good work in the world. Allah must be worshipped. One should pray five times and follow the path shown by Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Then our life will become peaceful.
Thanks to all friends who read my articles regularly and share your valuable comments.
Death will come to us all. It's hard to accept but we have to so we can move on.