Heal The Psyche..

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Avatar for SolarPhasing
3 years ago

Hello friends, :0)

I mentioned it yesterday: on the outside things are moving like in a bad science fiction movie. Will this world never be the same again? We're slowly shifting to a 1984-style world.

We all know we need to reconnect with ourselves. Turn off your TVs. This propaganda box that dictates his thoughts. They lie to us, with impunity. How did we come to no longer be able to react? To say, "No, this is all a lie, STOP IT!"

But back to the positive side..

This week a therapist practicing in alternative medicine, magnetism, energies, contacted me about my album: "On The Edge Of The Galaxy", asking me if it would be possible to work together. She wants to broadcast my music during her treatment sessions. It's been a while since I wanted to get in touch with this environment. Maybe a first step.. Some of the titles of this Album are distributed in certain professional structures. And then, two days later a journalist from the regional press contacted me to write an article about me and this Album, my music. I will see all of this next week. There can be no coincidence.

Meditative, contemplative music (Anti-Stress, Relaxation, Meditation). To listen with an audio headset for an optimal experience.

Multiple sources of listening:


I have a lot of unreleased experimental stuff, including binaural. This universe has fascinated me for a few years. "On The Edge Of The Galaxy" is a year of work, but nothing scientific on the contrary, just the mood, the feeling. What I felt as the work on the album progressed. And then one day, "Ok this Album has a very calming effect on me". Let's get it out, others will benefit too! :0) But It was with this idea from the start. May he soothe me. It would take too long to explain in this publication, but basically that's it: an album that calms, that relaxes, that "heals" the psyche. And then, it's very experimental in terms of textures, etc. You hear melodies on some tracks, but there aren't any on the recording .. it's just the juxtaposition of textures and harmonies that create them. And probably the mind, too. It has been really interesting work! I hope you will enjoy it. It's a very special sonic experience.


See you soon.. Space Rockers!

Make a donation to support my musichttps://cointr.ee/solarphasing

Live at Wood Rucher 2020 Festival on September 12, 2020. With Alchemic Journey

$ 1.19
$ 0.65 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
$ 0.01 from @Woodoo-Prod
Avatar for SolarPhasing
3 years ago


such a great talent on guitar i wish i could play the guitar too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I read a very beautiful post.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome back after a long break. Like to listen to meditate music.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey man, happy to see you here. Not so long, just 2 months. :0) Thank you very much!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow and

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank for sharing nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks to you to drop by! :0)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey, thanks to share! I will check it :0)

$ 0.00
3 years ago