As an indie composer today..

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Avatar for SolarPhasing
3 years ago

Dear Music Lovers,

Solar Phasing project have only 3 years old. At the start, you don't even think to monetization. You juste make music you feel, music you love. There is no question here, you are not making music to make money. If you know me, you know that I regularly offer free music. Complete albums, quite often. At some point, you have to work to monetize your creations. Streaming platforms pay me around $2 per month. About a hundred people listen to my music regularly, I would say. Even if you multiply that number of listeners by 10, you're not going to go far to pay your bills. This is the sad reality of a freelance composer/musician today over the streaming platforms.

The internet culture of the 2000s also brought this “belief” that everything is free. It's true that you can download anything you want for free today, legally or not. Small independent artists suffer greatly if you ask me. Again, I have nothing against the free. I produce musical background tracks for multimedia projects that I place for free download. I'm very happy that so many people are downloading and using these tracks in their projects. That's thousands of downloads every year. It's gratifying!

(Painting by Sabrina Villareal for Solar Phasing)

I realized that small independent video game developers don't have the budget to buy licenses. That's why on IndieGameDev Market or Itchio, I place my tracks at very very affordable prices, in addition to the tracks offered for free. I sell a few, but when the platform has taken its share and taxes have taken their share too, what do you have left on 5 euros, for example?! And since you also have to declare your income each year, artists are taxed twice, ultimately.

I'll be honest. Currently I live on a little less than 500 euros per month. Yes, you read that right. I can no longer work, and while waiting for the state to validate my disability file, very long delayed because of the pandemic, this is what they give me for a living. Below the poverty line, over here in France, clearly. I survive.. I am not complaining, there are certainly "poorer" people than me. And you know what? I feel very happy in life. I don't think money is a main goal, even if we need some, and it's better when you have some. I worked all my life, and educated 6 children. And now, what?

I would like to be able to work on musical projects that allow me to eat. To be able to tell myself, I no longer have to worry about all this when I arrive at the 15th of the month. It's a long road, a hard work. I will have to discipline myself and get to work very seriously. By leaving nothing to chance. Focus on the possibilities. I will develop this part on the next days. I am working on a "To do" roadmap.

I remain open to all projects, music for video games, multimedia projects, sound effects, and even, you want a music track composed just for you, contact me. Also, don't hesitate to share with me any opportunities you come across, projects where you think I could participate. Even on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. I would be a great pleasure. I made some works for BCH, not in music, but on translations: Bitcoin Cash video (french, spanish and italian), or Electron Cash software french translation, etc.. I'm available too for these kind of work.

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend! :0)

The new artwok cover for "Moon Dance" - October 2020


See you soon.. Space Rockers! :0)

Want to make a donation

$ 2.75
$ 2.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
Avatar for SolarPhasing
3 years ago
