Emotional self-care: Understanding self

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1 year ago

Emotional self care is essential for mental health. It is often overlooked and neglected.

We can't deny that we have different moods and states of mind every day. Sometimes this is due to external factors like family, work or culture. Other times it's related to your personality, past experiences or upbringing.

Emotional self-care is a key to understanding one’s own emotions and feelings.

Self-care is the act of caring for one's self, including both physical and mental well-being, to prevent or recover from illness or work injury. It may be done informally by oneself or formally with a professional caregiver. Self-care is an important element of many models of primary health care, such as the social model of health care, where it has been identified as an alternative to professional medical treatment in some cases.

The following are various ways that can help someone take care of themselves emotionally:

Emotional self-care is a form of self-nurturing. There are many ways people can care for themselves. Under this umbrella, people might engage in practices such as:

Some people may find themselves engaging in emotional caregiving for others, which may not be their intention. If too much attention is focused on others and neglecting oneself, it can lead to feelings of resentment and depression.

Tired. Sad. Angry. Depressed. Stressed.

These are just some of the words people use to describe themselves when they are feeling low, and it's not unusual for people to feel this way for a number of reasons: after the death of a loved one, after graduating and leaving home, with the loss of a job or from the end of a relationship with someone.

It's normal to feel these things sometimes, but when it becomes all you can think about, it might be time to take some steps towards emotional self-care: understanding self.

As humans we're always going to go through moments that make us feel horrible about ourselves - but what is important is how we deal with these feelings; do they have an impact on our wellbeing? If so there are many ways to get ride of it.

There is a high correlation between stress and mental or physical illnesses. Stress worsens the symptoms of physical illnesses and can make mental illnesses worse. It leads to people feeling overwhelmed, not in control of their lives, and unable to cope.

Various studies have been done on the effects of stress on the brain, showing that it can have detrimental effects on both cognition and mood. At the same time, emotional self care is necessary for healthy development over time.

There are many emotional self care activities that people can practice to help them cope with emotional difficulties in their lives. They include talking to themselves like a friend, meditating, listening to music they enjoy or reading a good book in order to be absorbed with someone else's story.

Self-care is not just about indulging in your desires. It’s also about understanding and respecting who you are as a person.

We all need to realise that our self-worth cannot be based on what other people think of us. We need to love ourselves before we can expect other people to love us.

In other words, it’s about understanding how you feel. This is a really important thing to know because emotions can affect your relationships and seem minor, like being tired or not feeling great, but they can also lead to major problems if not addressed in time.

"It's hard to have an authentic connection with others when you don't know who you are."

-Iyanla Vanzant

Emotional self-care is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced modern world. With so many stresses and pressures.

In order to actively care for our emotional selves, we need to categorize these emotions and find the root cause of what initiated these emotions.

The first step in maintaining emotional self care is understanding the different aspects that make up your personality. Knowing yourself will allow you to know what you need emotionally, and when you need it. One great way to do this is by journaling or reflecting on your day, every evening before going to sleep at night.

I hope you will find something useful in my article and take care of your mental and physical well-being.

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1 year ago
