Sunday - the day of the Sun

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Avatar for Snezana28
4 years ago

Dear all friend,

Have a another beautiful day. I am also fine by the grace of Almighty god. Our friend @Dreamer arrange some giveaway. All of you also can join.

Here is the below link :

Ancient prophets observed that each day of the week was energetically connected to one of the seven visible planets. They advised certain activities and behaviors that corresponded to the nature of the planet associated with the day, which increased the chances of success in the planned endeavors.

The sun is a source of energy, awareness, personal identity and male energy. With him begins the search for himself. The sun is a symbol of life, health, goodness and happiness. It expresses creative energy, vitality, spirituality and activity.

Wear sunscreen on Sunday, be active, recharge your batteries, preferably somewhere in nature. If you still stay at home, spend the day surrounded by family or dedicate yourself to new plans and ideas.

On Sunday, you can enrich the kitchen with sunny tastes. The sun rules the rice, which you can spice up with herbs like laurel, rosemary or saffron. For dessert, use something combined with walnuts. One of the sun's flowers is Dandelion.

People born on Sunday are adorned with a positive attitude, generosity and love for life. This is a day for celebrations, creativity, happiness and success, the best day for a wedding, as well as for all new activities and realization of plans, for medical treatments, because it is the day when a new cycle of recovery begins.

According to old beliefs, Sunday is a very happy day, and according to astrology, people born on Sunday are very charismatic and cheerful, they do not obey the norms and are always looking for novelties. These are very stable people, often accompanied by happiness.

Arrangements with the father or wife are successful on Sundays. It is a great day for making business decisions, in the company, but also changes in family plans. If you want a promotion, make an appointment for lunch or an informal meeting with those who decide on Sunday.

It’s a great day for all gatherings, for giving speeches and public appearances, so be sure to take advantage of this day if you want to be noticed and persuade others to believe in you. Sunday is not suitable for isolation or meditation.

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$ 0.01 from @bmjc98
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Avatar for Snezana28
4 years ago


I love Sundays too.If Sunday is sunny day then is perfect.We like to going somewhere this day because we have this day for family day activities.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Zanimljiv je ovaj clanak,ja sam rodjena u nedelju.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

E pa eto to je za tebe draga drugarice,skuvaj irinac,začini sa šafranom i pojedi dezert od oraha.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for joining my daily Random Upvote giveaway. You can still join after 3 days. :) And congrats!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

😂 I am feeling so like for this article exist in my life on Sunday

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I am feeling so like for this article exist in my life on Sunday

Wonderful, it's Sunday and everything is yellow.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah it is😇😇

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Like your article...your word chooce is very good...keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Like your article...your word chooce is very good...keep it up

Thank you very much,your words mean a lot to me

$ 0.00
4 years ago