Today, Holy Thursday is a day of love, prayer and forgiveness, the day when Jesus revealed betrayal, when he instituted the holy liturgy and communion on the last supper. Today, heaven is closest to the earth, mercy is stronger than guilt, today good defeats evil. After supper, Jesus went with his disciples to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane and showed that prayer is the greatest strength in times of trouble, suffering, and temptation. It is believed that even the greatest sinners who take communion and repent today are forgiven of their sins. Thursday morning is also the day when Easter eggs are painted in the sign of Jesus' blood. The first egg, which should be red, is taken to the field early in the morning to be warmed by the sun, and in the afternoon it returns home where it is kept all year round as a "guard house". Holy Thursday is not celebrated or congratulated, but is only celebrated by reading the twelve gospels about the suffering of Christ on that evening. I am sure that God will not forget us and that soon the world will be clean and healthy again. And we in it.

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@Snezana28 posted 3 years ago


Have a perfect Good Friday and a wonderful Easter

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3 years ago

Have a perfect Good Friday and a wonderful Easter Thanks dear friend!

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3 years ago