Lemon jam

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Avatar for Snezana28
4 years ago

My dear virtual friends, today I made lemon jam.One of the healthiest fruits in the world is lemon, and because of its health and appearance benefits it is used in many recipes.


Eight lemons to spend the night in a solution of baking soda, due to pesticides. Wash, cut in half, and cook on medium heat for half an hour. Strain and blend. Measure the mass, add half the weight of sugar and a quarter of the weight of water. Cook, when it boils for 15 minutes. Pour into jars, turn upside down to cool. Keep open in the refrigerator. Who likes sweeter, can also have more sugar.

Lemon is great for detoxifying the body, which is why many people like to drink lemonade, but in fact, lemon juice is not the best way to extract all the healthy nutrients from this fruit.

The best variant is frozen lemon, and consumed together with the peel, because it is actually the healthiest part of this tropical fruit.

Scientists have discovered that lemon peel can significantly improve immunity, and it contains substances that prevent cancer, regulate cholesterol, treat infections and expel parasites and bacteria from the body.

Lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the fruit itself, and has been shown to destroy colon, lung and breast cancer cells.

The most important thing is that the substances from lemon and its peel destroy only malignant cells, while healthy cells of the organism remain protected.

Doctor and nutritionist Marilyn Grenville claims that the peel of many fruits can improve your health.

Since the rind is very bitter, Grenville recommends freezing the lemon and then grinding it together with the rind, seeds and pulp.

Add grated lemon to tea, smoothie, soup, salad, dessert and you will protect yourself from vicious diseases, scientists say.

It is very important to clean the lemon well from dirt and pesticides with apple cider vinegar

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4 years ago


Amazing! Didn't know I can make jam out of it! Brilliant I can try it too and sure it's healthy with all its benefits! I love jams :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Didn't think lemon could be turned to jam? I thought it was mostly for berries and such sp this is pretty new to me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Lemon is also my favorite citrus fruit.I would like to have lemon tree in my garden,maybe one day,because I would have them at home,natural not with pesticides.Thanks for Lemon jam recipe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have been struggling for years to keep one lemon tree alive. It suffers the most in winter when it is difficult to save such a large tree from frost. At that time, it is full of fruit, so it is really difficult, but the effort always pays off. I will apply your advice and try it this season with fruits that have grown without any chemistry. thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This way we can easily make our own lemon jam at home. Anyway, I like it very much.

Thank you so much for sharing and also for the Sponsorship :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have never heard that jam can be made of lemon. I learn new things every day. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago