You see this life we are living, it would never stop throwing dirt at us. If you like be scared, be bold, be courageous, be bad, be good, be weak, be strong, be whatever you are, but one certain thing is; LIFE WOULD NEVER STOP THROWING DIRT'S AT YOU. No matter how prepared or less prepared you are.

These dirt could be: fear, situations leading to depression, near success syndrome, mood swings, life issues, pain, sickness or even death. Life doesn't care if you're good at heart or evil at heart. Life just keeps throwing dirt at you sometimes lightly, sometimes very hard. Like life itself doesn't care about you, or even your feelings.

We've got just few choices to make when it comes to dealing with life. It's either you watch life keep throwing stuff at you and do nothing about it but move with the flow. Following wherever it takes you to like a loosed ship lost to the wind OR whenever it throws these dirt's on you; you clean yourself up, stand up and face it squarely.

Whichever choice you make, just know life would never ever stop throwing dirt's at us. None of us is too special to life. Life has no bestie.

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@SlmplyJay posted 2 years ago
