As a Rider my choise is R15 v3. This isnt a bike it is a monster in road. I love my bike.
My bike is different from others. I love it because it gives me wings in road. When i am alone it always happy me to give his speed and fresh air.
Its engine is too powerfull that it can beat any bike in road. Its colour is black. I love black. I modified it of my own. I always take care of it. I wash it, Shine it, Oiling it, and take care all the time. This is my love. I have choosen this bike of many choises. This has a good shape. Its a sports bike. Its millage is 42 and engine is 149cc. Its colour is dark black and it has Led lights. Its take 16litter fuel in the tank. Its has 2 tubeless tire that never puncher. I love to ride it alone myself. I just love my bike.
nice post ..plz clik also back you