To grow virgin hair has become the talk of the day and the act of the day as well hence the products for its maintenance are excessively cost.
To maintain a virgin hair can cost someone thousands of money but there are actually simple maintenance and products you can use at home and yet your hair will be well nourished and will even look healthier than that of most people that goes for treatment every week.
To begin with,you must stop using all those hair cream that are chemical and recline to using shear butter.
You can easily produce your carrot oil ,tumeric oil , aloe vera oil and coconut oil in the comfort of your home.
Truth being told ,all this carrot and tumeric needs olive oil for its oil to be extracted as the oil contained in them are very minute.
But for today,due to the fact am not were I can display those procedures, I will leave it for my next post to enlighten you on how to produce those oils from the comfort of your home.
Do you have a strong hair and you wish to make it shiny and soft then follow the below tips
You need
1 ball of onions
An egg
Aloe vera
Lemon juice.
Mix all together and apply on your hair ,cover and allow to steam as long as you want. Then wash with warm water.
Do this for atleast twice a month and before you know it, your hair will take another amazing shape.
This tips is really helpful for getting of hair. And never use a creams for a hairs. It's so dangerous