Healthy Life, With A Healthy Eyes

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Your eyes not only help you see motion when you watch movies, they also observe the objects around you. They quickly adjust to different amounts of light, and see all the colors of the rainbow. Your eyes are like a camera.

The eyeball is covered with a tough, white layer, no not ask the white of the eye. However, on the sem part of the eye, this layer is clear and it is called the cornea. The cornea bends the light rays as they enter the eye. Then the rays pass through the pupil an opening in the eye that can expand and contract. The pupae looks like a tiny black dot, but it's really a hole.

The lens of your eyes lies behind the pupil. Like the cornea, the lens bends the light rays. After passing through the lens, on the retina-the black part of the eye. The image of is also reserved from the left to right.

Thousands of tiny cells called rods and cones cover the retina. A bundle of nerves called the optic nerve connects the rods and cones to the brain. When light rays hit the retina, the rods and the cones detect the rays and convert them and to signals that the optic nerve carries to your brain. The signals carry information about the color, size, and shape of the image you're looking at.

Your brain interprets this signals and tells you that you're looking. It also lets you know that image isn't upside down and reserved from left to right. Your brain helps you see that image as it really is. Now that you can see the image, you remember why you were looking for it in the first place.

Light enters a camera through a small, round opening. On many cameras, you can control the amount of light entering the camera by making the opening larger or smaller. The colored part of your eye the iris is a doughnut shape muscle that does the same thing.

And bright light, your irises contract, and your pupils get smaller. So less light gets into your eyes. This is a good thing, because too much light can damage that retina. In dim light, your irises expand. The pupils get bigger and more light enters the eyes.

Other things besides light can change the size of the pupils. Strong emotions, such as fear or excitement, can make the pupils larger. Taking certain medicine can also change the size of the pupils, causing them to get larger or smaller.

Once light waves get in, the lenses help bring the light waves together, or focus them. Muscles make the lens thinner, to see distant objects, or thicker, to see nearby by objects. Because the lens can change shape, clear image from on your retinas, as shown in the top diagram.

In spite of this, some people still see fuzzy images. If you're nearsighted, images form in front of your retina. You can see things up close, but watching a fly ball in the distance is a problem!

If you're farsighted, images formed beyond your retina, as shown in the diagram do you have no problem tracking fly balls, it's threading a needle that bothers you!

Wearing your eyeglasses or contact lenses usually corrects both sight problems. Putting a glass or plastic lens close to the eye makes the image focus on the retina, where its supposed to be.

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Hello, for me the most sensitive part of our body is eyes because it can irritate in just a pieces of dust or anything touches our eyes. Your article is helpful hehe keep publishing articles about our health.

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4 years ago

Our eyes is the mirror of our soul. As we make ourselves a healthy person. We should also take care of our eyes.

Taking care of our eyes is not just having a good sleep. Avoid too much use of Mobile, Laptop, anything that has a blue rays. Too much use of Mobile phone can affect in our eye sight.

Yours regarding health are good. Continue doing it as you can help a lot in this Community. Our goal is to have a healthy Community. Thank you.

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4 years ago