Exercise cum dinner

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Avatar for Sitiwan
2 years ago
Topics: Food

Do you walk 5000+ steps Tru n Flo eatery place just for dinner?

Thats what we did this weekend evening!

Due to the rising number of infection number in community , we decided not to travel else where for dinner but those places that is very nearby - walkable distance.

The objective is simple - to get body active and stronger by walking more especially after meal. And also to explore new stuff at nearby.

Today dinner we walked quite far that is 5000+ steps from what we see in pace trackers.

This is our stir fried dinner:

We also ordered the restaurant signature dish- the vegetarian fish curry :

We like the curry very much, and its flavour is strong with Indian style curry yet it's not that spicy. At last we treat it as soup and finish it off !

Total expenses of the dinner is $19.70, we enjoy very much tastiness of this dinner , and enjoy the walking back home as the wind breezingly along the way.

We also stopped by the nearer hawker center for buying tomorrow breakfast cake. So tomorrow we need not go out for breakfast and can sleep longer!

Ciao, Sunday !

$ 3.56
$ 3.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Sitiwan
2 years ago
Topics: Food


Please don’t use the word cum in conjunction with food!

Food looks amazing though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha cum means and ?

$ 0.00
2 years ago