Daily Meal 21 Feb

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Avatar for Sitiwan
2 years ago
Topics: Food

New start of work week and I chose to go my Monday lunch the hot fish noodle soup as I found out recently my hemoglobin level was not satisfactory state.

So its best to find some iron rich food to replenish the hemoblobin level of mine .

Over the weekend I already thought of a list of stall that would sell fish for me to go after this week. Hopefully every day I could take in some fish to improve.

Lunch is the hot fish noodle soup which I always went patron. But today I found out they increased the price already :(

Same food same portion now cost $5!

Thankful for the daily food update I have, I get to know the price increase is 50csnts. Wow thats 1/9 increased , approx 11%. Sigh. My salary and investment where got so high percentage increment !??

Sigh and my income here also decreased alot without any reason. Not sure if anybody can shed some light what went wrong here ? All contents original written , though people could get boring to read the article but still content is original right?

$ 0.00
Avatar for Sitiwan
2 years ago
Topics: Food
