Dairy entry 2 - Random ramblings.

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Avatar for Sincosis
3 years ago

Diary entry two,

Hello everyone, I’m back again. I hope you're all keeping safe and are doing well. I thought I’d post regularly but to be honest, I haven’t felt like posting. The last thing I’d want to do is to sound like a whining loser posting about his life being in shambles and having a hard time getting back up.

The recent wave of covid has left my country devastated. I’ve seen friends and family of friends laid to rest and felt helpless. It’s not just the financial aspect but the scarcity of medications and hospital staff. Drs here are working overtime trying their best to help with patients. I feel helpless and depressed at times trying to see what I can do to help.

And it’s only gotten worse as of late. Irrespective of everything else I can go ahead and just brief you guys on how things have been going for me in general. So I recently went for an interview trying to see if I could get a job. Turns out there is such a thing as being too old for a job. I’m 36 I’ve spent most of my life working in customer services and I have plenty of experience in helping customers as well as helping companies growing and scaling.

Despite my rather extensive list of experiences and amount of work I’ve done in my life it appears that I am finally too old to get a job. So now I’m in a conundrum trying to figure out how I can somehow get something to sustain myself on a daily basis.

I have tried dabbling into the crypto market with a few things. However the amount of money that I’m making back from it is not substantial enough to manage on a daily basis. I will continue to apply on LinkedIn and all of these other websites to see if I can find a job that’s sustainable enough. However, based on my current experience the chances do not appear that great.

I am trying to figure out new skills and new ways of making money and somehow sustaining myself however the prospects do not seem that great especially at my age. I don’t have delusions or any misconceptions that I’m going to wind up making a gazillion dollars out of the crypto market but then I see all these people who are essentially just pulling the rug over these new investors and I don’t know how people wind up getting robbed so easily. I understand the prospect and the greed of trying to get rich quick but that should not deter you from identifying potential red flags.

Irrespective if you guys have any feedback or want to see that something please do so in the comments.

I might start writing more regularly but like I said it’s a process that I’m trying to figure out.

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Avatar for Sincosis
3 years ago
